Just In
for No Fairy

4/15/2006 c4 free-to-dream15
aww sad! but that's ok! update soon!
4/11/2006 c4 23Nut
Sad chapter, but good. I go to a private catholic all girls school called Queen of Angels Academy and one of our sister schools is called Sacred Heart hehe. Great work =)
3/26/2006 c3 NO LONGER USING
loved this chapter as well, but then you probably already guessed that...anyways I think my fave character may be Isabella...she's just great...this is really going well, please update soon...also I have a new fic out...Define Beauty...please r.r.

3/26/2006 c2 NO LONGER USING
sory didn't notice the updates...anyway great chapter...

3/14/2006 c3 free-to-dream15
ha ha I did like this chapter! I love Isabel..shes my fav. so far! update SOON!
3/13/2006 c3 Tomcat92
I love this story, it is spectacular, i cant wait for the next chapter!
3/13/2006 c3 Nut
Great chapter. It's good that she has some friends now =)
3/5/2006 c2 1Simple.Miracles
I love it! It's an interesting concept and I'd like to see where you go with it. Props so far! Loved the intro, btw.
3/5/2006 c2 1JacqlynXOXO
you have to add more to this..i loved it! it was really good and your discriptions are great.

add more soon!
3/5/2006 c2 23Nut
Good chapter =)
3/5/2006 c2 free-to-dream15
hm I liked this. I liked how you described how she was signing away her freedom. Update SOON!
this is amazing, your word choice and descritpion is so well thought out, i can see the person actually as wierd as that seems, this is really a job well done, i hope you continue this cuz i can't wait to read more...
2/19/2006 c1 NO LONGER USING
wow, love the description especially in the first para. that was asweome, i hope you contiue this
2/17/2006 c1 13sNiCKeTFiRE
i loved the summary, by the way. it was priceless. anywho - i thought this introduction was well done. no, actually, IT SUCKED! IT BITES! oh dear. i'm crazy. mwahaha. i was joking, though. I really liked it and i can't wait for the first chapter!

*HOORAY* snicket rejoices!

good job ... great job ... MAGNIFICENT! i want to know what happens!

~a currently crazy snicket
2/4/2006 c1 3Adaku
I love this story, even though the chapter are short. But, that's okay I love reading short chapters time to time. It saves time. Oh yeah, thanks for reviewing my story. ^_^
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