Just In
for Fatboy Slim

5/10/2011 c1 3Unless-52
Hm...You've actually spelled Jade, 'jade'...I believe you've made that mistake a couple of times, actually. Overall, it was a good chapter. Keep up the good work!

9/16/2009 c1 7Silencia
This makes me curious~ I wanna know the plan of the coach! X3 Update soon!

Grtz Silencia
9/1/2007 c1 20Twilight Starr
Good beginning.

This story has potential.

People who have been bullied can relate to Jared.

Good luck with writing and this story.

~Twilight Starr~
2/4/2006 c1 8sealednectar
lol:) I like it. It's a good start, keep it up! Make sure you do longer chapters, k? Update soon!

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