Just In
for The V word

10/30/2012 c21 2Bluterav
Third time I read this, and the third time I loved it.
10/21/2012 c21 heal me forever
oh boy ...i always love romance widout d third wheel to realise deir love ...beautifully written god bless

i wish i have a vampire boy friend sigh
8/15/2012 c21 1Iheartmyipod
Awwwww! Cutest story ever!
8/10/2012 c21 The Quotidian Life
Loved the novel. Not sure If you'll ever get this but I really enjoyed reading it!

8/10/2012 c1 allonsysoleil
WAHH I read this until 2AM last night, because I honestly couldn't put it down. ;-; Or um, off because I was reading on my iPhone. XDDD
ANYWAY! I'm so glad you posted this; it was absolutely delightful. I love the way you write! And I love the relationship development between Kate and Damien; it was funny, adorable and downright sexy. And I don't hate vampires anymore! (The fault of a certain shiny vampire and a whiny heroine... -.-)
Very well done my friend. :D (Can I get a Damien please?)
8/9/2012 c21 Nepenthe Intensions
This was such a fun story! Finished it in a day. It made me laugh a lot, and I don't usually laugh out loud when I'm reading :P

I liked it a lot, but there was one thing that really kind of got to me: the last chapter, before the epilogue. I was really looking forward to the big, final scene with Damien and his brother-you know, something very intense and action-y. To me, though, it moved very quickly and I wasn't able to get the effect I'd been hoping for. One other thing that didn't really bother me, but just caught my eye at times, was how dramatically Kate's moods shifted. Most of the time it was okay, but there were a few times that it was a little much, such as at Antonio's mansion between her annoyance at Damien and knocking out Hartman.

Again, it was a really fun read! You write humor-and romance!-very well :) adding you to my favorite authors!
8/3/2012 c20 AnonymousReads
pressed post review before i was done by accident i just wanted to add that this story should have a sequel. Good story :)
8/3/2012 c21 AnonymousReads
ireallyliked your story buti thought it was a little rushed
7/24/2012 c21 OPatron
Oh my goodness! That was completely spectacular!
7/17/2012 c1 7Le Tigre
Hey there! This story has been added to the Supernatural section of A Drop of Romeo
When I first saw this suggestion I was like – ‘Oh no, a vampire story’. Then I realised that not only was it pre-Twilight craze, but also done in a completely original way.

Kate is a admirable strong lead, who has built up a name for herself with her own computer repair shop after her parents and later her foster parents tragically died. That is until a handsome stranger enters her shop and tells her she is looking a bit…starved.

And this sets into motion a story full of vampires locked into a battle of good versus evil with a smouldering hate and love romance on the side between Kate and witty vampire Damien Torres, who’s Spanish to boot (and who doesn’t love an accent now and then).

I must say that some scenes were a little…ahem…steamy for my oh-so British stiff upper lip, however Lulai has written them into the story very well in that they suit the nature of the plot and actually help shift it along.

Overall, despite it not being a story I would typically choose for myself, I did really enjoy it – Lulai’s writing is excellent and blends together romance and action into a killer combination.
7/9/2012 c1 reddishrocker
"Why?" I sobbed into his chest, as he stroked my hair with his gentle fingers. "Why did Nona have to die? Why does everyone have to die? And why is it so God damn sunny?"

He lifted my chin with his finger, so that he could see my tear streaked face. "It was Nona's time," he said softly. "We all have to die at one point." A slight smile made his grey moustache twitch. "And as for the sun, well, Marie wouldn't be having it raining when she was going to heaven. She'd make sure that everything was right set and proper."

I laughed a little through my tears; the words sounding exactly like Nona.

"And she still loves you," he said. "Our love stretches for miles."

"To the moon?" I asked with a shaky smile, basking in the memories of younger days.

"To the stars and beyond," he said, and kissed my forehead.
That exerpt was so simple yet captivating. Made me tear up, tbh. Nicely done :')
6/4/2012 c1 carleyshake
5/5/2012 c11 Hanaa
I know this is probably really late, but I LOVE this story! :) and heh, every time Damien says 'querida' it reminds me of Jesse from the mediator series! Lol
4/13/2012 c21 BlueEyesNeverLie
omg that was one of the funniest and amazing stories i have read in a very long time, you are an amazing writer and any people who dont like your story are fools :D
4/9/2012 c21 D. M. Gotmen
Please tell me that there's a next chapter? Or a sequel to this? Please! 'cause I loved it!
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