Just In
for The V word

3/27/2012 c21 halamadrid
I love this story - it's well written, the characters are great and the romance between Kate and Damien is so cute! :D
3/9/2012 c21 Preposterous
Perfect ending!

I'm sure Calc's turn is coming. :)
3/9/2012 c16 Preposterous
Great story! It's quite different from most of the vampire ones I've read so far, so kudos on the originality.
12/8/2011 c21 Emma
yay! love happy endings!
10/7/2011 c21 1tchingtchong
Love it doesn't cover how much I appreciate your story.

But I'm saying it anyway! XD

Thank you for sharing your story with us ! :)
8/26/2011 c21 1pinkcar7956
8/20/2011 c1 10balloonfista
I have no idea why I hadn't added this to my community yet even though I've read it ages ago..

I'm just stupid :P

8/10/2011 c1 jojo.102
I just have to say that i love ALL your books and can't wait for the next one to be done. You ROCK!

8/9/2011 c1 C.Turtle
The Best
8/2/2011 c21 9Binkybaby
I loved it :)))))
7/20/2011 c21 2Ray-Anne
I did particularly like this. It was cutely written and a nice story line.
6/12/2011 c16 sweetpea265
I'm really enjoying this story. I don't think your filler chapters suck. This is way better than I could have ever done. I think as long as there is humor in it, it will be alright. You actually managed to add a little bit of frustration and stuff into their budding relationship adding a little bit of reality to the characters. At least I thought so.
6/12/2011 c5 sweetpea265
Very cool take on vampires. I like your reasoning about how you become a vampire, and I have to say I like all the characters so far. Although, I kind of wish she would have asked how they got into her house if they were vampires. Oh, and something could have been said about garlic in the lasagna, but I am really liking this story.
6/12/2011 c3 sweetpea265
I'm liking this story so far. Haven't read a vampire story in a while.
5/30/2011 c21 serendipitous2
OMG! Great story! :)

I kept laughing and smiling at my screen - luckily for me, i was alone or else people would think i'm some lunatic XD haha

anyways, i want to commend you for your great work and you should keep up with the good work :) you're really talented and the story was great. It seriously kept me laughing! i laughed the most in the chapter when they were in the car and they were talking about minivans not looking badassey and them getting out of the car looking like a clown show - that touch was brilliant, kept me laughing all throughout the chapter :P of course when it got serious, my laughter died down :)

Really really great story! this is totally one of my top favorite stories :)
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