Just In
for Girl with a Pearl

9/30/2006 c1 6Polished Gem
Cute. Kind of reminded me of the "my poor meatball" song. *chuckles* Keep up the writing.~Polished GemBtw, thx for the R&R!
8/25/2006 c1 5jointedlegs
This poem is really cute! kinda like a limerick...so I'm guessing the meaning is just surface value rite? This keeps it comical, short, and sweet anyways. :)
7/14/2006 c1 18Plinky
Very random... I like the idea of the pearl.

A couple of the rhymes seem as if you've chosen those words because they rhyme, rather than because they are the words you want, but it's very cute.

Keep writing!
3/11/2006 c1 40sweetxinsincerity
this is a good piece, especially since it's only your second try at poetry. there are some parts where the rhyming seems a little forced, but other that i like it.

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