Just In
for I Dare You

5/6/2006 c1 12Nelson Wells
This is one of the best poems I've read on FP. It's simple to grasp but not simplistic. It describes perfectly my feelings toward those that pity themselves for attention. The imagery in this one is excellent as well. Very powerful peace. While I think literally it looks and criticizes current trend goth culture, it truly speaks to the human condition. Really, each and every one of us is broken in some manner. To mope around is not the answer, but examine our flaws and do our best to fix them and better our situation.

The only thing I don't like about this is that I didn't write it ;-)
2/12/2006 c1 6Luneko
I love this. I love the message, and I love how you present it.

Favorite lines:"When dropped, we all crumble / like so many red clay jugs.""the tiny golden spider called hope""this tender flower of the human soul, / sprouting even in the driest and rockiest / of places."

Is love. ^_^

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