Just In
for Regular Black Coffee

4/19/2010 c1 Psycho-Troll
Why did he commit suicide? I thought he was interested with the girl? And he seems okay. He didn't sound depress. So why? Why did he kill himself? It was quite...ahh...so out there.
12/30/2009 c1 1Damned to heaven
Such a shame it turned out like that. Just goes to show appearances can be deceiving, after all who would have thought suicide was on his mind.
11/13/2009 c1 drunkoffwooder
it's good cheese though :)
8/15/2009 c1 2JenRad11
I really enjoyed this, but I like those stories where a person is about to kill themselves that night or something, but then someone is nice to them and they realize there is something to live for. Then years later they tell the person the truth and how they prevented the suicide. Now THAT would be cheesy, but at least the person's still alive...hmm, maybe I should write something like that...haha, but anyway I did enjoy it and I don't think it was cheesy!
7/24/2009 c1 5ArtistsAnonymous
That was not cheesy at all! It was amazing. It made me teary eyed. I am definitely left with questions. Why did he commit suicide?
7/23/2009 c1 2Unwritten.prose
Hoe dare you? How dare you make my eyes brim with tears over a fictional character in a story you deem 'cheesy'? How dare you leave me guessing at how he died?
6/15/2009 c1 7FictionismyGame
Oh my god!I think I'm going to cry. I am seriously tearing up right now. Oh my god!Ok, I'm going to stop with the review right now because, if you couldn't tell by my Oh My Gods, that I really liked your story, but it was so sad. I have one question though, if you would be so kind to answer it. You must have thought up the reason why he would kill himself. What was it?
5/31/2009 c1 2literati papier
tragic ending, but sweet. bittersweet:(
4/16/2009 c1 1P.F Ally
Why did Aidan killed himself exactly? TT^TT
2/17/2009 c1 5Wedgiee
This made me cry.

It was so good =]

I just wish he didnt have to die right after they finally spoke
12/10/2008 c1 Green Eyed Angel
This is so sad! Why did he commit suicide? really? was he too scared? Or did he want to die happy?
10/1/2008 c1 2cbprice25
A little bit cheesy, I agree. It leaves me perplexed.
8/15/2008 c1 9IHateMyLoveLife
That was cheesy, sad, and sweet. I lliked it.
7/14/2008 c1 muffins
Good job!
3/26/2008 c1 Blank89901
That's sad. But it's kind of true, you never know whether you're ever going to see a person again, so there's no point in waiting to talk to them if you want to.
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