Just In
for From the Shadows

4/10/2009 c2 10Sabreal
Ooh...this intrigues me greatly.

I actually didn't mind this chapter was "positively" (if i cld, i would have put that in italics) tiny, but i guess cos i know there's MANY more chappies to come!

3/17/2009 c26 38Poems To The End



3/17/2009 c26 ChristianAngel01
whoa I would love to read the rewrite of this story :D
2/21/2009 c25 clairey
Great fic :D
9/7/2008 c25 ChristianAngel01
It is my first time reading this I read the whole thing I like it Its a great story evil cliffhangers though lol but other then that its awesome: )

Cant wait for the next chapter :D
7/21/2008 c25 Poems To The End
More please...lol

I really like this story it makes me happy :)
2/7/2008 c25 midnightdream-5
ahem i beg to differ ignore my last review

all i have toi add is that i want more lol update soon! (ish)
2/7/2008 c24 midnightdream-5
ok so loving the chap its so sweet...

but im wondering if perhaps she should be a little more freaked out i mean, i know she loves him and all but even so i'd be a little more scared and once over that i'd be asking every question about the myths to know what (if anything) was true about vampires, how old he is, how he became a vamp etc.

Kat x
1/5/2008 c25 4emeraldwriter
I really do enjoy this story. :) Thank you so much for writing it and I'm glad that you didn't stop. I look forward to the next chapters and what awaits. Please keep up the fabulous work.
12/11/2007 c25 1violet-eyez
so is he going to turn her into a vamp
12/9/2007 c25 6Carmel March
Oho, I think I'm in love with this story. It's been awhile since I've found a story that I just adored.

You've not only got beautiful diction and a way with words, but strong characters and a great storyline.

Keep up the great work :)

10/26/2007 c25 Lady Galriee
Great job. I can't wait til your next update.
8/15/2007 c23 7midnightdream-5
yay! she didnt die woo hoo! :D

hmm and she loves him! woo! lol

Kat x
8/15/2007 c22 midnightdream-5
i liked this chapter its good to get a background insight to Killian's past i hope we see some more of it :D

and omg i have to read on! lol

kat x
8/13/2007 c21 midnightdream-5
cool, its good to get some of Killian's POV. i hope Krystals going to be k, but im sure he wont let her die lol.

i think i'd like to hear a bit more about vampires in general for this story. you know a couple more, perhaps some that Killian knows... or another couple. or you know stuff about them in general, coz we dont seem to know much about their abilities if you get me

kat x
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