Just In
for Immortal War

8/13/2006 c41 2CrystalEye
Wow! I forgot we wrote that many chapters! But then again, we did write some of them really short... @.@

Anyways, I need to add to the first book don't I?
3/22/2006 c44 10Four Minute Warning
Well, that was intriguing! ^0^
3/21/2006 c44 Cherie
Great story, but it got a little confusing near the end. When did Laura and Captain(Jonathan) come back to Heather? I thought they left.Captain remembered he was Jonathan when he saw Mistress die right? I've got some other questions but I'll save them. There are a few typos, but over all its a good story. ^^
3/3/2006 c26 Four Minute Warning
Lykewoah gosh yes. Very neat indeedy, my friend.
2/26/2006 c17 Cherie
Sand still isn't scary. The N/A has a lot of spelling mistakes. Other than that,it's a fun read.
2/26/2006 c13 Cherie
The story just keeps getting better. I can't wait till Santa Claus comes in and starts kicking butt. Oh I found a spelling mistake in this chapter. “Ho Chi Minh? Chop Sui? Tao Mein?” The Chinese man aasked me.too many a's in ask.
2/26/2006 c15 Four Minute Warning
HOMG I am so reporting you to the RSPCD!...The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dragons, that is.
2/26/2006 c13 Four Minute Warning
2/25/2006 c12 Four Minute Warning
Mwahaha. Bwahaha.Likeit!
2/23/2006 c10 Four Minute Warning
2/19/2006 c9 Four Minute Warning
Gosh. How spiffing. xD
2/18/2006 c9 evil-kenshin
great story so far, update soon
2/18/2006 c6 Cherie
It's awesome. Good story so far. But I can't see how sand makes a very threatening weapon.
2/18/2006 c1 4somethingsup
Woot! A spinoff! :)
2/18/2006 c6 10Four Minute Warning
Harhar. xD Like.
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