Just In
for Mothering Resentment

4/13/2009 c1 unsociable
'allo there.

i understand the sentiment behind it (my best friend died last year). it's hell. i think you really expressed it clearly, with strength.



ps. if you have time (this is an optional thing) check out my buddy crazyfirefly on fictionpress and say hello

pps. THANKS! (:
7/13/2007 c1 Michelle
It is really hard to actually talk about what you are feeling to your parent. When I am in a bad mood, I expect them to understand what I am going through without the need to bare myself to them. The problem here is, how can your mother know what you are going through if you are not going to tell? Maybe you should at least give a hint, maybe she would caught on.
6/12/2007 c1 Chamella
this is a good poem!
3/26/2006 c1 4WriteOneDude
Strangely, this is exactly how I feel with my mother. Atleast how i used to. My dad also passed away but 5 years ago. Life, as expected was hell cos my mom would cry her eyes out and talk to her friends about it, but when it came to us, she never let us talk about it. It just got so bottled inside me that not suprisingly, i snapped after that. Human nature. Not pms. Ugh. So anyway, I really liked the emotion you had going on in here. I can relate very much.

3/2/2006 c1 deb
hey. i lost my dad last year. it's good to cry out, even in anger and hatred, but keeping everything bottled up isn't going to do anything. there were times where i was angry at my mom, b/c she was full of joy with her relationship with the LOrd. i mean, we all went to church, but she was the one making the most progress. i don't know if you go to church or now, but praying does help. i guess your way to releasing everything is writing poetry.
2/22/2006 c1 Miss-Guppy
Aye, that person up there ^ (or down there v, idk) is right, we less than three you Amusikins!

Hope it all gets w00ty with your mami again soon...
2/21/2006 c1 ana
hi. you writing is wonderful. though this poem is quite sad, I really like it. you're talented at writing. i've never had any one close to me die, so I don't understand what your going through, but i know i'd be devastated if I lost my dad too. Don't disappear because though you may resent your mum, she loves you. And i'm sure that you have friends that love you too, so don't disappear from the world.
2/21/2006 c1 1bummertime
this is amazing.something like this has happened to me.i really liked it.
2/21/2006 c1 17sunday night sky
this is such a sad piece :( its very beautiful, worded perfectly. i understand the sentiment, too, and it nearly bought me to tears. i hope things get better for you.

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