Just In
for Bloodied tears upon a fallen angel

3/7/2006 c1 24The FiboNACHI Sequence

i like this a lot... it has a great rhythm... yes, i know i said i wanted some free verse but you never listen to me, lyss!

2/28/2006 c1 39SliversofSilverPain
Cool! Is this the one you 'wouldn't show me cause it wasn't finished'? If so then :P! I read it! If not then ...show me! please?This was awesome! I like nice rhyme! Love rhyme and the rhythm was awesome, not to mentiont eh imagery. well written
2/24/2006 c1 4darkShadow201068
I like it...you know, you could probably use this to make a pretty good story.The poem could become more emotional if you gave the angel a name or someone they could relate to. If she had a name it would make her more concrete.

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