Just In
for Who needs Cheerios anyway

12/28/2007 c1 332smile for the sunshine
aw, that's kinda cute. creative. i kinda like it.
6/14/2006 c1 70elvenstorm
Love the metaphor and great poem. Well done x
4/6/2006 c1 A Beautiful Nightmare
Simple yet modern... I love it! No complaints to the lack of capitalization... it adds to the ambience... awesome work!
3/14/2006 c1 14kit feral
Oh! "sweet milk" is such a pretty way to describe a kiss! And I love the part about the cereal being gone from the blue bowl... it's safe to say I love the whole thing. :P Works really well as a haiku and I love the title, too. Keep writing!
2/26/2006 c1 879Moondog Dozier
Wonderfully well written. Excellent haiku.
2/26/2006 c1 34likes to headbang
simple and cute ^^ i like the metaphor
2/26/2006 c1 6rif4ever
Interesting... I like it. :D I can't exactly write haikus very well, I wrote one about a turtle and ended it with:

herbivorous chap

Hahaha... I'm a loser. :D

2/26/2006 c1 5Drops of Jewpiter
wow. thnx for the xcessivly long reivew- it's nice to know that someone like my writing.great haiku btw- i was nvr good at writing them. ~dropsofjewpiter~
2/26/2006 c1 18bahaghari
It's rustic... but pithy.
2/26/2006 c1 93EvT
Aw... that's adorable. =) xP
2/26/2006 c1 Winter Reflections
...it makes me happy too...


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