3/27/2006 c1
67A Midsummer Nights Sacrifice
Dude ALL of my good poetry is written either when i'm emotionaly drained or so very depressed. Good, good dark, nice and loverly i wuv it.

Dude ALL of my good poetry is written either when i'm emotionaly drained or so very depressed. Good, good dark, nice and loverly i wuv it.
3/8/2006 c1
42Anecdotes Of The Arcane
OK this rox. Thats all i can say. It rox. Don't stop writing. And btw, I am afraid. I am very afraid o.o. . .

OK this rox. Thats all i can say. It rox. Don't stop writing. And btw, I am afraid. I am very afraid o.o. . .
3/5/2006 c1
A poem managing toconvey angst without sounding pathetic...I don't see that very often on this site. Excellent work!

A poem managing toconvey angst without sounding pathetic...I don't see that very often on this site. Excellent work!
3/3/2006 c1
Wow. I really love how some of the lines are broken and then continue on the next line. For example, "I thought that I could trustYou with what was left". Really good job!

Wow. I really love how some of the lines are broken and then continue on the next line. For example, "I thought that I could trustYou with what was left". Really good job!
3/3/2006 c1
Wow nice poem well Done. The "Chocking on your word" was particularly effective.

Wow nice poem well Done. The "Chocking on your word" was particularly effective.
3/2/2006 c1
heh i like this one. reminds me of wut my friend is going thro right now... keep writing! and u're going on my favorite authors list now ^-^

heh i like this one. reminds me of wut my friend is going thro right now... keep writing! and u're going on my favorite authors list now ^-^
3/2/2006 c1
wow, i read it and it reminded me of my last break-up and oddly it made me smile. it was excellent!

wow, i read it and it reminded me of my last break-up and oddly it made me smile. it was excellent!
3/2/2006 c1
I like the structure. It starts of with the persona very depressed and then he/she sort of makes themselves feel better towards the end. There are a few cliches though, that you might like to change or get rid of. eg "you left me broken"

I like the structure. It starts of with the persona very depressed and then he/she sort of makes themselves feel better towards the end. There are a few cliches though, that you might like to change or get rid of. eg "you left me broken"