Just In
for American Duchess

3/25/2006 c2 Alison Ashley
Would it be possible if you could tell us which cultural background each person comes from (i.e. as in who is Asian [and what country], Middle Eastern, European, Australian, African, etc.)? I really like the whole concept and I'm glad that Ethan is completely different to what others would portray him to be like in other stories. PLEASE write more SOON,

3/25/2006 c2 Peevster
I like it. And I vote off everyone but Alexandra.
3/25/2006 c2 colecole345
This is really a cool idea. I am really excited for this. Its like a reality show on a computer, which is strange but really interesting. I don't really like reality shows, but I have a feeling I will like this. Can't wait to read more!
3/25/2006 c2 Sam
gosh Ethan is such a wussy.
3/25/2006 c2 3TheGreenestGirl
you're taking far too long. XD I wanna meet the girls

However, I adore you and your writing so nothing drastic will be done, yet.

Can't wait to meet them! And I can't wait for you to 'ruin' my character ;) (no, really, i'm looking forward to it)
3/25/2006 c2 5aqua-angel
^^ I'm glad you put some Asians in there. They never ever get far in reality tv like the bachellor and stuff or whatever the media world features nowaday. *shruggs*

I love the rabbit/hamster conversation with his friends. Those two are quite interesting and they'll be a nice touch to the story. They add a dynamic and the interaction betwen the three of them are humourous. It's the "welcome to a guy's world" sort of snapshot =D
3/25/2006 c2 9milenaa
hey there! i loved the fact that we got more background on Ethan. I love his name, it's really cute. anyways, I love his friends. Que is so awesome. And I can totally picture Paul ''comforting'' the girls that leave the show, if you get what I mean lol. we're talking naughty here, hehe. anyways can't wait for a new update!
3/25/2006 c2 pinewarrior
looking forward to it
3/25/2006 c2 hummer
Kya! This fic is cute so far.. I love Ethan's character.. I agree with his friend. He's like a bunny. I wanna pet him also.. X3
3/25/2006 c2 Bob n Kazzi
Looking forward to meeting the girls. You're going to have to work hard to maintain that many believable characters. But you can do it.
3/25/2006 c1 12Lonely Forest
Cool idea! I like the fact that we get to vote people off. I'll keep reading, I'm sure it'll be fun. My one complaint; the personality synopsis seemed to come out of nowhere. Was that included in the actualy story? If so, in what context?

I look forward to an update.
3/25/2006 c1 144chaos called creation
I've expected Mum rather than Mom but I guess that works too? Twenty characters plus Ethan is quite alot but i'm sure you'll be able to handle it. Personally i'm rooting for Courtney and Jenna :). I think however, that you should decide who goes home rather than the readers...because then we can easily check who's going to be disqualified in the next chapter and it kind of ruins the anticipation, but that's just my thoughts. anyways, good luck with this! looking forward to reading more.
3/24/2006 c1 books4me
I'm sorry for not reading and reviewing earlier!

This is good. I like the concept.

I think it would be cool if Ethan fell in love with someone else (eg.: a member of the camera crew).

Anyway, I look forward to reading more,

* Books4mE *
3/23/2006 c1 grrrL
omg you're so freaken brilliant! what a strange and beautiful concept! interactive too. fun fun! but i bet it's gonna be hard, too. i have trouble remembering all my characters sometimes, what more if there;s 20! but i'm really looking forward to this. i'm really excited about the creativity and originality of the plot you've presented. btw, dieing should be dying. wrong spelling and whatnot don't normally bother me that much, but this was a pretty crucial line. :) i'll be looking out for this! i like ethan already, enough idiosyncrasies to make him interesting.
3/23/2006 c1 Ra Tika
Great idea! This outta be hilarious!
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