Just In
for Untitled

3/18/2006 c1 6Made in Britain
Hey Kayla thanks for your review, you might want to read my other one Never Sleep Again. I like this poem, probably because it's the type of poem I find hard to write. I'm not very in touch with my emotions (probably desensitized by the horror movies) Yes, an emotional dwarf is what my girlfriend called me as she dumped me. The bitch. Anyway cool poem ^.^
3/18/2006 c1 42Anecdotes Of The Arcane
hard hitting even though it's short [i prefer shorter poems anyway] very well done, powerful piece :D
3/18/2006 c1 sides-of-magic
I see you have a serie of sad poems... NOW I feel REALLY sorry for you... it will be better. For sure it will be. But I understand you don't believe in it now. Write sad poems so long you wish if it's what helps you...

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