Just In
for Why?

4/11/2007 c1 11Torn and Tattered
I liked this. It had a nice rhythm through it throughout. It's a rare case that i go to another author's work, since i beta and all alot, but i remember you from one of my forums a while back.

but again, this was a nice piece of work. keep up the writing!

3/28/2006 c1 1SoLongJimmy
Alright... Brilliant poem... Seriously loved it BUT...

I'm trying hard not go into the regions of the flame here... But (as a bordering emo *is shamed*) you said yourself that poetry is a way to express how you feel.

If you happen to feel like crap isn't it alot easier to let the world know about it than to suffer in total isolation?

( incase you want to rant about this... however i swear it was NOT a flame... not much of one).
3/28/2006 c1 81Princess-anna57
Yup, I agree with you completely. Good poem. Write on!

3/28/2006 c1 4run rabbit run
interesting viewpoint. good one too really... too much "angsty" bullshit goin on. ah but what do you feel of the ones who are just crazy? i say there should be chaos and entropy in all art (aherm) thus this too will die. makes me smile really.cheers-rabbit

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