Just In
for Holding On

5/18/2006 c1 2Ryu Angel
I like it, i really like the fact that it rhyms with out rhyming in a way thats cool. i updated a while ago, i've not worked on it for a while, no time, but go read it if you've not already. ttyl

5/7/2006 c1 myheartwantsyou
beautiful and you can really feel the emotion you put into it. absolutly wonderful
4/4/2006 c1 16Unthinkable Things Happen
omg this is really good!
4/4/2006 c1 50fairEtales
Wow. This is absolutely amazing! I love it. You truly kept the emotion through to the end. "But we’ve got a promise to get through this/To see the rainbow’s bend."

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