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for Tell Me

4/13/2006 c1 2Ryu Angel
i really like how you right poetry, i've only read two, but i plan on reading them all. thanx for reading my story, now that i have a fan i'll update more often. I had this story up before, but it took a turn from a love story to a sci-fi so fast i didnt really know what i was doing. i'm revising it and making it a little more normal, plus, you always get better ideas the second time through. i'll try for this weekend, so heads up.
4/8/2006 c1 13kristun999
I love this. and i really like the idea for the video. i could see it happening. that would make an awsome music video. You just need to find someone who can make it happen.

4/5/2006 c1 Robert Knight
very good i love it and yeah i would say emo to this but emo is good. i think emo has a message to send to anyone and everyone whos ever broken a heart or is going to and well a point or message can do a lot to inspire a person.

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