Just In
for Exhaustion

5/27/2005 c1 6Anna Tsukazaki
Exhaustion had potential, it was very Wordsworth, except for the last bit about 'chris.'
7/23/2001 c1 4Talia Maxwell
Wow. Again. Just like the other poem. You are GOOD at this poetry thing! Would you mind reviewing mine? *Hides in corner, blushing from embarasment(sp?)* You're really good, and, *Pokes index fingers together, head down* I would enjoy feedback from a skilled poet. *Hides again* Can you tell I don't like asking for feedback from specific people? I'm gunna go before I embaras (sp?) myself further. (I'm a really bad speller)
3/8/2001 c1 1Mei - Tsuchi no Otome
That poem is just so... refreshing... I dunno, but I like it! I'll remember it next time I'm sleepless... 'cept I don't want any maiden kissing me! ^^ I'll pretend...
2/24/2001 c1 The Confuser
Hey, nobody wants to be stalked! If anybody found out my real name, I'd confuse the hell out of 'em so that they wouldn't know if that was my real name or a figment of their imagination. ^_~ Ah well, nice work eh? Reis'Dem'Naca, oh, and Bravo.

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