Just In
for Love in February

4/18/2006 c1 Camisado
Wow. So amazing. You truly astound me. Your words are just so ... i can't describe how great they are.

But ... is there something deeper behind this ... maybe a moral of some sort. Because, people, in their own perfect ways, will do almost anything ... change almost anything ... to fit in with people around them; people that don't even truly care about them?

Hmm ... even still. Amaze.
4/18/2006 c1 1DuchessYappingDog
Aw. That's so sad. I always hope that there's going to be a happy ending, but I guess it was pretty clear that he was a butthole from the beginning. I thought he wanted to her to do something scandelous in front of a crowd, but this is even worse. Sigh.
4/18/2006 c1 emerald
man- *sigh* stupid stupid girl...even desperation has a limit...can some humans be that cruel...okay i don't want to know the answer...but can some humans be THAT desperate? Againi hope i never find out and also hope I don't fall for someone that way...again you can't love someone before you love yourself...why don't people understand that? Well that was great...I am touched.
4/18/2006 c1 lalaLAMA
chop him, chop him up into beautiful little pices...then step on the remains...alot...omg, how sadwha
4/18/2006 c1 4Undecided.And.Confused
She should fucking grab the freaken razer and chop him to little peices, and then set him on fire to fry while his still alive!What a fudge face. So preatty yet so wrong.
4/18/2006 c1 9la-mocha
Ooh, creepy. You know exactly how to make an impact.
4/18/2006 c1 dancingintherain
your words are like poetry
4/18/2006 c1 bluz
as dark and odd that chapter was, i found it interesting. Not interesting of what she did to herself, but it pulled me in, and i couldn't stop reading.
4/18/2006 c1 55Taolei
Beautiful Kelli, like always. It's so sad and bittersweet, but perfect. You have a very original way of writing and making quite a morbid idea into a beautiful one. :P It's a gift, really. You're a great writer, keep it up. I love reading. :)
4/18/2006 c1 5Kurai-Tenshi of Doom
That was...different. I think I get it, but I'll keep it to myself =DLiked it though ;) Good to see something new from you!

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