Just In
for Darling, I Like You Very Much

9/24/2013 c15 katiedawson360
r u gonna write a sequel where silence ends up w gabriel? pllz do!
5/28/2012 c12 5Blueyes57
skipping chapters because I know whats going to happen before I even get there. sorry hun. Just saying what I'm thinking.

You do write well. It's just...predictable like I said. Guess I just don't get the "skattered brained" naive females. I was never one after I was around 15. lol
5/28/2012 c6 Blueyes57
ok. You had me with the first part of this story. And this part was going good until this chapter. This is SO predictable now. You're losing me here now
11/9/2010 c7 samishorthotmail.com
uhg silence is pissing me off its like she doesnt want to be happy she is just setting herself and her baby to be hurt like gabe was when he found out about his dad cant she see this?
2/22/2010 c7 lily1250
GOd silence is such a selfish b*. I hope there isn't anyone who acts like that, and if there are, someone should slap some sense into them. I love the story but damn she gets me so mad...
12/21/2009 c15 Seriously
No offense,

but Silence is fucked in the head.


the ending killed everything for me.

She is completely unrelatable.

If it had been any other girl,

they would have chased after Gabe,

but no,

apparently she's too good for that.
1/18/2009 c15 11Sakiru Yume
I liked this story, and I'm going to read the sequel. I probably shouldn't, technically-I'm not "mature", by their definition-but I like the stories, so I will.
6/2/2008 c7 2elle.bw
OMG! I love your story and all but this is torture. I hate it. Silence and Gabe belong together simply because they don't. You really made me hate Silence, like really hate her. I just wish you wouldn't make her such a bitch. She isn't relatable anymore; she's worse than Lacey. PLEASE consider doing something about that.
5/28/2007 c15 ophelia
omfg! i cant believe silence...! selfish selfish selfish..how many times does that poor man gabe i mean have to tell her he loves her...wat is it with her..commitment issues? she chose the safe way out..? gabriel is safe hello! im soo pissed..i cant believe im so worked up over a story but i really wanna slap silence into well silence! i think gabriel should get a new girl...so silence could be the one thats heartbroken..

but good story...lol
5/26/2007 c15 Mean titan
OMFG This is a horrible ending, but i love the story. Please post the sequle soon!
5/26/2007 c7 Mean titan
Poor Gabe.
5/26/2007 c4 Mean titan
She's pregnant isn't she.
5/26/2007 c1 Mean titan
EK I luff it.
4/6/2007 c15 UNwitty182
i think you should make it about years down the road when they are both in their late twenties or early thirties. and they are both successful. he will be engaged and she'll have a boyfriend. and see if they get together. and maybe somehow make them happen to work together, ie like she's interior designer decorating his business firm or something.
4/4/2007 c15 Insane and Logical
awesome and sad
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