Just In
for Leave Me Alone

6/10/2006 c1 54H-Sea
Hey :)

I can really relate to this, I've had chances with people ruined over others teaing me and gossiping once they found out and because of that it scared the guy i liked away :(

I dont tell people my loves etc anymore.

Great poem, You're poems and stories are still ace!
6/8/2006 c1 47xWhit3StaRx
Oh my Gosh! I thought I reviewed this _ Sorry! Well...you know I love it =)
5/26/2006 c1 7Victoria Humblydum
i compleaty agree with you. personal experiance
4/21/2006 c1 13Two Of Spades
its human nature to want to know things, although often at little or no consideration to others...a rather singleminded quest if you ask me.
4/21/2006 c1 9Rhianika
Wow, I really know what you mean. Up till recently I was a bit too free with a couple secrets and it got me into trouble. But now that I dont tell anyone anything... it seems like everyones trying to get it out of me and I hate it. Great poem. You did a great job.

Keep writing


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