Just In
for The Search For Something More

8/24/2007 c65 Alyson
OMGOSH! that was an AMAZING story!

I love them all!

the Ana one.. ERIC! and Of course Izzy.

wow!.. it was Izzy and Ana's graduation and Eric wasn't there to see? that surprised me.

I love Eric..and Ana! shes so cute. and JAke! omgosh Jake is soo Awsome lol!

and AWW! James is such a cutie!

So is Andrew! AWW! hes soo adorable!

and i love Christine and also cassy,

its so sad its ended. i wish you could write more.

i could read about all them forever!

If only all these people were real.

well keep up the good work!

i'm gonna read your newest story now =)
8/23/2007 c65 5christinaxxyo
i seriously think this was the best out of the three stories. it just seemed a lot more real and i think it was my favorite. great job and to tell you the truth? i really liked the ending. :)
8/20/2007 c47 christinaxxyo
Well, that's a change. ..
8/19/2007 c41 christinaxxyo
how could it still be april?
8/19/2007 c5 christinaxxyo
Izzy's freaking out about the colleges way too much. Just because she got accepted doesn't mean she has to choose right there and then. It's not like it's this HUGE secret or something...
8/19/2007 c3 christinaxxyo
Great job with Izzy's story. :)
6/14/2007 c6 2tricky
Only made it to Chapter 6, but I like it so far. I have no idea how long it'll take me to get through this whole thing!
2/26/2007 c1 1Twizler519
good stuff.
1/31/2007 c65 youpin
1/18/2007 c65 iiHEARTyuu
omgsh, how CUTE ! =D

aw, they`re a cute couple =D ..

WO for happy endings =D

i love the whole trilogy, it`s great =D

though the one about erik was a bit blah, i didn`t like christina either but oh well ..

aww, so there`s not going to be anymore story`s about them ?

darn, these were good stories !

but i guess it has to end at a point ..

laa dee daa ..

well keep writing ! =D
1/16/2007 c65 jmu
IT`S OVER? wow. that was...pretty quick. i actually didn`t realize that there were sixty-five chapters - when i started reading, there were only like twentyfive! haha but good enough, right? threehundredthirtythree pages is alot of work & time, & it`s good that you updated all the time!

er...enough of the time lol, but we won`t hate : P

in any case, can`t wait to see what new story you have up - will wait ever patiently.

& like always, it`s good to see izzy & james together.
1/16/2007 c65 4quotata
i love your happy endings.. ^-^
1/14/2007 c65 17Rayne Logan


But... Izzy! And James! I wants more Izzy and James luff!

They're so cute together. A sequel would be cool, but I don't know what you're like about sequels... most sequels aren't as good as the original anyway :D

Congrats on your story - really, well done. 3 pages? I've never reached that much before, you must be pretty proud.

I loved reading your story, and I'll be reading whatever you write next too ^^
12/22/2006 c62 3miss-blackhair
jake was in the chapter. JAKE WAS IN THE CHAPTER.


simply wonderful chapter. :)
12/22/2006 c64 miss-blackhair
i LOVE the drama. yay! sheila got kicked. heheh. and izzy and james made up! :) update soon!
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