Just In
for Through Me

1/31/2016 c30 MissJackson
I just read this story and i love, love, love it!
False Facades was already amazing and now this as well.
Your characters are all so well written, i absolutely adore Will ;)
1/7/2016 c30 starzenith
woot! I came back after a few years to reread this masterpiece of yours (it's my forever favorite fictionpress story) and I gotta say, you really have a way with words because I felt my heart soar and dip like crazy throughout, and your details, unique sense of humor, and super-lovable characters made the read so much more enjoyable-I didn't want it to end! I have absolutely no idea whether you'll be reading this or not, but I hope you're doing well in medicine-you've inspired me to explore the pre-med path a whole ton before I head to college.
Less than three,
p.s. where can I get my own Tristan?!
8/13/2015 c19 2Jacovy
Ahh. I love this chapter so much. It's probably my favorite
7/19/2015 c30 Guest
Awesome story. Adel can have Tristan but WILL IS ALL MINE! anyway I can't wait for the story! Good job!
6/14/2015 c30 elef
That's really funny about will anfpd adam... Lol
I hope you will make some story about adam's to. In the future... You're terrible amazing to make reader felling some emotion when reading your story
It's really my hope honey :)
6/14/2015 c30 crazydaisyyy
really loved this story! didn't think it could top False Facades but the two stories were such great reads! sorry to hear about ur plagirism problems that sucks :( but continue to write and i hope that one day i'll get to read more of ur stories!
5/18/2015 c1 lingreen2
Haha, I just finished writing a review for False Facades, and I was like, Whoa. I need to see if she has more stories. And then I see this. You honestly just made my life. This is definitely something I will take my time to read (I stayed up all night reading... Sometimes you just can't help it. But yeah, I should probably go to sleep) Super good chapter, can't wait to read more!
5/12/2015 c27 3Music's Bittersweet Flow
Adel is being a stupid ass. It's annoying. Why does she always have to respond to everything with brashness or anger or something.
4/20/2015 c30 6EclairDenise
This is perfect, too.
2/5/2015 c1 fellowmedstudent
i love your awesome...u don't know how many times i have read this story...i just love ..
12/10/2014 c29 Lazerkat
Don't worry, she's okay now. Yup, way to go. *sighs*. You are such a brilliant writer.
12/6/2014 c5 Lazerkat
Back to find our squatting place
12/6/2014 c3 Lazerkat
Vince is so protective of Sammy...it's cute!
12/6/2014 c2 Lazerkat
Oh don tell me dat girl is gonna be there...
11/23/2014 c1 chocolateisbrown5
I read False Facades and then I came here and read Through Me. And all I can say is

U r one of the most amazing writers ever! Your books are great! I can't even pic a favorite chapter, I just love when Tristan and Adel are all sarcastic and bickering. And when Will says something stupid it just kills me! I love Danielle, Sammy and Carrie for life. Dating For Dummies! Caine, Jack and Vincent! Those are my boys!
Anyway ,writing is definitely your talent! Keep it up!
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