Just In
for The Merchant's Daughter

1/28/2024 c41 Guest
Still hoping for the conclusion of this story!
9/5/2023 c42 Chaostion
I'm liking all the angst.
6/10/2021 c41 Guest
Was SO EXCITED to see this story in the Just Updated! Still loving it after all these years. I understand Charlie's personality and his anger, but didn't think Platt's profanity in this chapter met guidelines for T rating. I know some people would say, "If you don't like it, don't read it." But, I do like the story, just would like it more without the cursing. Personally would have appreciated an explanation like "vulgar profanity" or something like that instead of the actual word. I thought your sentence, "He swore every curse known in the English language, exuded the melting glow of rage,..." was very effective. I know you still haven't given any concrete indication for a future relationship between Ellison and Buchanan, but I really enjoyed the little hints of feelings there. At least I think they are there. Maybe wishful thinking. :) Okay, what a cliffhanger! Will be ecstatic when you update again and I really, really hope that it is soon. Thank you so much for your continued work on this excellent story!
6/7/2021 c41 Guest
Glad you’re back! I love love love this story! Hungry for more!
11/30/2020 c40 Guest
Really hope you continue this story! Have caught updates here and there over the years and have always enjoyed it.
7/24/2020 c40 TheMagicalHandbag
You updated! Yay! Though I am a little late on reading it.
Oh man Jack... despite Jeanie telling him the same thing what Jarvis said, sad it has to be another make to get through to him. But I can see how Jeanie, although, she cares for him so much,never thought how he should view his own future and how it pained him when she thought all was well as is.
And I do hope she finds someone else to give her heart to. Her and Jack have grown so much that what romantic feelings she had for him no longer mean the same as before.
I just have to say, Mr. Bachanan is definitely growing on me:)
4/22/2020 c40 Lessgo
Soooooo good! Thank you and thank you for posting such a wonderfully long chapter! What a treat!
4/22/2020 c40 Guest
Oh, and maybe Sophia has matured some, will forgive Jack, they can get back together, and Jeanine can be their beloved sister and friend once more.
4/22/2020 c40 Guest
Thank you so much for the update! Made me happy! Updates could not come too frequently. :)

Buchanan overall I think is an honorable, reasonable, responsible, respectable man. Just doesn't know how to deal with an emotional woman. Understandable that she would be a bit more confusing than most! :) Hope their futures merge once again.
Just really do not like Jarvis. At all. What a manipulator! Jack did a horrible thing in leaving with a lie, but Jeanine was definitely overreacting to finding out about it. Sure, she wouldn't have gone to sea looking for him and would have been spared many horrible things, but also would not have experienced all the things that she loved and met all the people that she has come to care for. So glad they talked. I think that they (and we are readers) understand more. I do think that HE thought he had good reason to leave, but I don't think it actually was a good reason. Feelings are real, but not always true. I think that's the case here. I think he really did FEEL that way, and thought that THEY thought a certain way too, but they didn't. As for Jack and Jeanine, I think they really did and do love each other, but personally I don't see it as a romantic love or even really in their future. I think that it is great that she loves the sea. I so hope that her future holds some possible way that she could have a position that allows her a life at sea. Last sentence was fantastic!
4/22/2020 c39 Guest
Oh, no! Not Jack with Jarvis! He can't know what kind of man he is surely.
4/22/2020 c38 Guest
Jeanine really does have some good friends in her life. Glad that Charlie and Conner are getting along. Hated when they were fighting. Did the woman steal her jacket buttons? I was liking Buchanan's character more and more. Well, until he's leaving with a woman he doesn't even know. Guess it was acceptable behavior for sailors, even officers, but still...ewww.
4/22/2020 c37 Guest
"Am I not here?" - Wow, that was great! Love that it had an impact on him even if he didn't change his mind.
3/4/2020 c1 Lessgo
So amazing. Couldn’t put it down! Thank you! What a joy to read. You are so talented!
10/20/2019 c39 TheMagicalHandbag
Oh, happy day! I was so excited to see you updated a chapter. And what a surprise you have, indeed, lain down at the end there. As for Jarvis re-entering the picture- ugh, wish someone could smother his snotty little face in a royal John already... Seriously, he’s a terrible lad. I want to know how Jeanie reacts to it all as well as Conner and Charles. I look forward to what happens next.
10/14/2019 c39 Chaostion
I'm really interested in this reunion! And the upcoming interactions with the other crewmembers.
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