Just In
for Catch Me When I Fall

4/3/2012 c7 twibbit
Omg this is so interesting ! I hope you update soon !
7/23/2011 c7 leavemeialone
I have to say this is so GOOD! Would there be any chance that you'll update this after you stopped? After three years, will you be back? It is so hilarious with how embarrassing and awkward situations come with Robyn! Noah sounds like a good guy and an incredible hunk! Carla is hilarious, I love her personality. Gregory is sure something, something messed up. The way he talks to her and probably women is quite demeaning. Why was she even with him in the first place? It is so funny how the walls in the apartment is so thin that you can hear interesting conversations and people having sex. Sounds super fun! Hopefully you'll update? XD
8/26/2010 c7 Everlasting Dreams
4/21/2010 c7 8Novella Vialli
update soon!

got me hooked!
3/17/2010 c2 Sixpence
So, edittingness? Or, rather, this chapter-and the proceeding one-need a good talking to about punctuation and what not.

Just a thought.

2/28/2010 c7 Bubbly Girl
Update soon!


-Bubbly Girl
2/18/2010 c7 7MuseofMagic
Ok, what was that about not waiting 2 years to update again? I believe the last time you updated was '08 and we're in '10 now so... I think you lied.

And! How dare you lie and leave us at that! I want to know what's up with the black bra! Who is this guy? Come on tell me!

Ok, ok. I'll stop being pushy now. But seriously...

~ Caiti
2/14/2010 c7 ghurl00
Hilarious! I liike.
1/4/2010 c7 throughfallingshadows
Are you going to...write some more? Cause the would be awesome..:D
12/30/2009 c7 Odalisquia
the last part was confusing! haha. was the person holding the black bra Noah or someone else? i don't get it!

good story though. a few grammatical mistakes, but not a huge deal. update soon.


10/23/2009 c7 2renegade01
hehe...cute. i like the bantering between them. keep it coming. ;)
8/21/2009 c7 sarcasm is my middle name
7/29/2009 c7 Anonymous
I love Tristan! He sounds so mysterious. I'm hoping that his character will be very prominent in the next few chapters... Please please please update soon! Your story is very well written. Keep up the good work.
6/10/2009 c7 animegirl214
:D haha. this is really cute n funny. XD update again real soon okk? :D
3/6/2009 c7 Iris101
SO Im just gonna take a shot in the dark and say that your not going to update?
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