Just In
for My Obsessive Stupidity

1/10/2010 c2 1Tomoyuki Tanaka
Whoa. Nice twist. But I already had this dreadful, sinking feeling it would be him when Beth first mentioned about her fiance...and I was right. I went O_O at that one ("I was actually right?") Despite that, it was a very good twist, the only reason I had that feeling is probably because I read quite a bit of similar twists somewhere else. Heh.

Your story was fun to read, and after what Lee did to Georgia in the first chapter, I was looking forward to her revenge. I already knew he was going to fall for it, hook and bait and everything. Ha ha! Now I wanna see him on his knees begging for mercy, but now that he's engaged to Beth, I'm wondering how this is going to play out. Interesting, yeah. I look forward to your next chapter!

And I seriously doubt Beth was the girl who yelled at Georgia when she tried to call Lee in the first chapter (they would probably recognize each other). Still, I'm wondering who she is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Beth, though I doubt it.

Till then!
5/16/2007 c1 Taish
I liked that, very nice. You're Antony's friend Natalie aren't you?

You seem cool. Unlike him.
6/9/2006 c2 3the lodger
awsome! cant w8 2 read more!hmm...sounds like my love life...anywho, u rally are obsessed with greg aint u.

oh god. we have french forth. oh shit.
6/8/2006 c2 39CynicalValentine98
I offical hate Lee. He kind of reminds me of this guy my friend knew/did; I personally dubbed him Smallville, but that's a completely different topic now isn't it. Anyways! I like this a lot, probably better then all your others (besides the poem, I love the poem, but I'll review that separately, :) ). And yeah, I like this style of writing for this one better then the style of the first chapter as well. I also like the twist. So to sum this all of up so I won't have to bore you with my oh-so-boring and rather wordy rambling review, I really enjoyed reading it. It was fan-freaking-awesome (and yeah I know as someone mentioned before, the 'tastic' got lost somewhere). Are you planning on continuing it?

Oh and thanks for the review for 'The Woes to a Beginning'. Much apprecaited. I'll be working on it a little more tonight so hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon.

Again great story. Hope to read more soon from you.
6/5/2006 c2 22IAmPwnSizzle
oh shit indeed. you can still screw him over, then run into the lakes of the lake distric. lots of moores, you'll be able to flee.
6/2/2006 c2 Ms.Romantic
ooh. i cant believe she said that though..i was like wtf just wit hhim nonetheless love the sotyr
5/29/2006 c1 Caught By Myself
You made me hate the guy... when I felt like liking him, too, because of all the gushing the girl was doing. But you made me hate him, which is good for your part, because that makes you an effective story-teller. :)
5/29/2006 c1 IAmPwnSizzle
woo! very good, well described and powerful...but don't diss my unwins! bloody godsend that place!

"To be frank, I was obsessed. Not so much that I would go around licking the mud off his wonderfully original trainers or collecting a stash of his used tissues"...and stop taking my damn ideas!
5/27/2006 c1 14CK Shorty
It lacked much detail, but it was very good. It was a good read, don't get me wrong. I'm not sure if it's a one-shot or you're going to turn it into a story. I'm somewhat slow with that sort of thing unless the author tells in the summary that it's a one-shot :) But anyway, keep up the good work.

5/27/2006 c1 Shiney Sianey
hey, hope u had fun in wales! plz tell me this didn't happen 2 u, ur my nat! lol ! it woz good, feeling could've been described better tho. soz.Shiney SianeyX

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