Just In
for Trip to the Depths

6/22/2008 c1 Arra
Oh! The third part was wonderful...and funny!

Am I right that it has something to do with the "laziness leads to obesity" of part one? Nina's sort of glimpse to the future?
12/27/2007 c1 Plaid Beans
I didn't really like how you rushed into telling the story, but it 's insanely interesting. I don't know if it was meant to be funny, but I thought the phrase 'HELL. Rules of reality no longer apply' was hilarious. Also, I liked how Hell enjoyed people who behaved themselves and how Lucius was handsome.
6/3/2006 c1 11Jusy
Hey. :)

Haven't been here for a while. This is edited, yes? Looks a lot better.

Suggestion... Maybe you could make the intro a bit longer. The whole "you're going to get fat if you sit there all day" doesn't really strike me as needed, unless Nina gets lazy later on or something. :/

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