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7/4/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Heyya! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
1/11/2022 c20 anna Marry
halo author, are you actively writing? my name is Anna, an editor for a fast growing platform, i am so interested in your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
8/3/2020 c12 Ind
I really don't know why school kids need to be involved in physical relationships which complicates everything. Ben physically being with Rachel and Page emotionally involved in him and him with her, that feel like putting a knife in Page's heart. Why no one is teaching self control to school kids. I just lost interest in this story with that. There are many stories by many authors like this. Which I can't understand and feel disgusted. Just wish things should be different for school going people atleast. They are supposed not to worry about physical relationships or their crush kissing or making out or having sex with others. That seems to be so overloading in a teenage crush stories. Felt like many hours I put into reading goes as waste now..
8/3/2020 c6 Shailaputri
The way he lets his friends to humiliate her is totally very wrong. however minor it may seems it will hurt.
7/25/2019 c28 Kat
Amazing! And really sad :( can we go back in time?

7/24/2019 c1 dude
I really enjoyed this
6/3/2019 c27 3Cinnel
I startes reading this years ago and for some reason, something made me check on this story.
I love it and I love you and I've never reviewed before but THANK YOU.
4/14/2019 c27 Guest
Omg okay you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that you’re going to continue this story. I am devastated when I start reading a new story just to find out that it hasn’t been updated in years/most likely discontinued. I am so in love with your characters! AND OMG YOUR HUMOR, YOU KILLED ME WITH THE “seance to contact my dead immune system” like I’m totally using that whenever I’m sick. Really love your writing, character progression and story line. Can’t wait for me!
Lots of love xx
4/13/2019 c27 1RedXButterflyXBlooming
I am so pumped for this new chapter! Thank you so much! Can't wait for more!
4/10/2019 c27 Lily
If you don’t finish this story, I think I’m going to cry, okay?!
4/6/2019 c27 aeparker55
I have really enjoyed this story. I just recently started reading it for the first time. The beginning was a bit slow and lacked description in places but the further i got into the story the more i was drawn in by the characters. I found myself crying and laughing with them. I think your writing has improved from the first chapter to this one. I hope you keep up the great work.
4/4/2019 c27 Acie
Im super glad you're back!
Poor Page,losing someone is always hard
4/4/2019 c27 4Beauty and Bleeding
If i knew all it took was a review to get an update I would have done so ages ago! I come back and re-read this every few months, lol.

So happy they finally got together! I wonder how they'll screw it up- though I'm sure they'll get through it.

I really hope her dad isn't dead... D:

Thanks for the update!
4/4/2019 c27 Kat
Love it, as usual! I’m so excited that they’re finally together! And that Ben actually realizes he can’t be that awful to her. Yay! But sad about her dad - why do you do this happy-sad thing? :(
3/12/2019 c26 Acie
The storyline is great and the characters have home through so much development. Please come back to finish it
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