8/17/2014 c1 moi
This was tooo funny! I love it :D
This was tooo funny! I love it :D
11/1/2008 c1
How come people write so good these days and I for the life of me can't? Oh well. This is really cool - I really liked it a lot. It's different from Third Time's A Charm - which I also like - but it's still really nice. I like how you write.

How come people write so good these days and I for the life of me can't? Oh well. This is really cool - I really liked it a lot. It's different from Third Time's A Charm - which I also like - but it's still really nice. I like how you write.
8/30/2008 c1
finally! a relief form the story i read before i read this one. You know, the Third Time's a Catch. Well, i am still feeling frustrated about it. And i was about to say that your pen name suits you. but then i read this. and i liked it. your pen name still suits you, though:)

finally! a relief form the story i read before i read this one. You know, the Third Time's a Catch. Well, i am still feeling frustrated about it. And i was about to say that your pen name suits you. but then i read this. and i liked it. your pen name still suits you, though:)
1/10/2008 c1 floopfloop
"At least I found a new way to shut him up and if I had fun in the process well that’s even better." -haha! i luv that line now
"At least I found a new way to shut him up and if I had fun in the process well that’s even better." -haha! i luv that line now
7/17/2007 c1 NV12
i enjoyed this..it was light hearted and not alot of stories are nowadays...writers want to sound so profound *rolls eyes*...not that thats bad..but ya i liked this story:)
i enjoyed this..it was light hearted and not alot of stories are nowadays...writers want to sound so profound *rolls eyes*...not that thats bad..but ya i liked this story:)
6/20/2007 c1
12Kimberli Kitten
I really didn't think it was crappy at all. In fact, I very much liked it.

I really didn't think it was crappy at all. In fact, I very much liked it.