Just In
for Pen is Mightier

4/19/2018 c8 Acie
This is a great story, I hope you'll come back to finish it
8/21/2013 c8 1addictedtothepain
Awesome. Update, please. :$
7/17/2011 c1 3AnonomousNotReally
great job! i really got the feel of what you were saying. hey, i would bve etstatic of you read and reveiwed my story, Home for the Normal Impaired. I dont want to seem like i'm fishing for reviews of anything. Great job!
11/23/2010 c8 Loz77
This seems pretty interesting.

Looking forward to your next update.
10/24/2009 c6 z
Your story is interesting and all, but there a few flukes.

Penn is... for lack of a better word, a bitch. And how could she get into a private school if she stinks at math? All my friends who are appling for scholarships are either of average intelligence (leaning on very smart) or complete geniuses who never even need to study. Most of them have only even gotten part scholarships.
4/30/2009 c8 plastick.roses
AH! i'm so happy you updated after a few years...but you, um, stopped...again...

Anyways. Wonderful chapter! Continue with the great work
4/20/2009 c3 10Sabreal
No way, your not fluent in spanish? Come to think of it, there hasn't been much if any spanish convos so far, so why the HELL did i think you knew the language?

Anyway, studied the lang. for two years and beautiful as it is, i just couldn't keep up :)

Your best bet is for a translator on google or better yet an ACTUAL PERSON.

If you're still searching for a spanish speaker that is :):)
4/20/2009 c2 Sabreal
Ooh, loving Gavin already...

and I can't believe you gave my most favorite name ever (for a boy) to such an asshole like Jack's character. :(

Oh well. Names get used. PEOPLE get used.

Like dear old Pen here...

Should get back to readin now before I pointlessly ramble...
4/20/2009 c1 Sabreal
I was laughing out loud through several parts of this chapter- so very well done!=D

If I felt more chirpier I would've gone back and quoted the exact lines that made me laugh hard- but what the hell...you wrote it, right? So you know where all the funny parts are... For once, I shall resist quoting back the author and just applaud her writing skills throughout!

much love

3/8/2009 c1 theslykit
good story so far! and it's sychophant.
11/29/2008 c8 4Kimera77
Great story! Nice character development.Keep it up! PD: Love Pen's personality. Very strongly presented.
11/19/2008 c8 Kathadoodle
I love this story so far. It is so unique, and the highschool setting is interesting! Update ASAP!
9/7/2008 c8 Hidden Flowers
I like it. A bit short, but still, it is good. Thank you. Update?
9/7/2008 c8 6She Had Somewhere To Go
you updated :D!

i love this, update soon!
9/7/2008 c8 1Enaid
you're back! so glad u updated. really good chapter and i hope you start updating more frequently!
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