Just In
for Corpse Bride

7/19/2006 c1 241Werewolf Nighteyes
The ending is kinda open to speculation- and I'm kinda confused as well. But that may be because I'm a bit slow here... Still I like Taylor's character, though with a name like a boy's plus the fact that I just watched Rent, it makes me wonder if she is really a 'he'. :p But really, I like her, his, her character. And Rachel was right, there's a kind of poetic style to the way you write. It's something I can't do.

So... who is going to die? Sean or the husband? I just need clarification there. E-mail or the tagboard at my blog?
7/14/2006 c1 11Autumnymph
Uh... I don't understand the ending =p

What happened?

But the story is interesting enough for me to read through even though I'm somewhat in a hurry right now. Gotta run. Send me an email?

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