Just In
for Trick DRAFT

9/3/2010 c15 Aradia Cloud
I like Jakobi.
9/1/2010 c5 Aradia Cloud
I know someone named Jakobi. Except it's spelled "Jacobie". And the "Jakobi" guy in this story is suspicious.
8/27/2010 c36 Kaitlynn
Personally this story should be published in stores...one of the best stories I have read in a while. Including published peices
8/24/2010 c35 e r a w e r a
Firstly, I made 1060 reviews! lol

But seriously, I love this story and it has made me actually get up and write the one I have been wanting to do for years. Thank you for a delicious read with characters that are actually believable.

- erawera
8/9/2010 c35 1stare at string
Wow, that was a pretty cool story! I love how unique the werewolf-fae idea is, and Trick (and Jakobi), are such wonderful characters. I think your 'death' (yeah,so they weren't actually dead) scenes need to be longer though, I almost missed them. Keep on writing!
8/4/2010 c2 Averael
I just found this story and I really enjoy it... But I have a tiny bit of advice^^" ... Please, don't use a translator to write your german text. You can get so many things wrong and frankly, it's for someone from Germany very hard to understand. Find rather someone who speaks german and could translate this for you^^
7/29/2010 c36 Anara Celebvilya
I'm excited to hear that it will be revised. Because, frankly, I saw a lot of mistakes in the original (no offense), and it will be nice for it to be redone.

Also, I wanted to ask if you had read (or watched) Inuyasha. If not then you should. The reason I say this is because your other story, 'Shenanigans', reminds me greatly of it.


7/22/2010 c1 2bridgettblah
7/22/2010 c32 1missy2shoes
I was confused by chapter 32 'Dolores', because shouldn't the ring Trick gave Helana, which did protect her from Camio, protect her from the knife Adam used to cut her wrist. I thought you said it was a barrior to her flesh, so wouldnt that mean nothing would be able to penetrate her skin.

ahh, yeah, i was just wondering, maybe she took it off and you merely didnt mention it or w/e.

anywho, i really love youre story :P

im looking forward to getting onto the sequel you mentioned!
7/22/2010 c36 5RokitToMars
Holy wow!

That's really great!

I mean, I'm sorry you decided not to publish this, because it is good enough to be published. But, really? There's a lot of those kinds of novels around and yours might get lost in the fray, you know? Which wouldn't be good because it's so good.

I can't wait for the revised one to pop up, and will definitely be back to read and review.

Thanks so much (:
7/22/2010 c35 2bridgettblah
AH I have to wait till...I wake up to begin reading the sequal...*sigh* I loved this book. Absolutley amazing! Ahh I love you xD
7/22/2010 c34 bridgettblah
Wow. I really liked the ending...Wow...Im suddenly so extremley excited xD Wow
7/21/2010 c36 sarahuhoh



(more commentary to come, two weeks from today)
7/21/2010 c20 bridgettblah
Ohh I like this chapter xD Really cute...xDD
7/21/2010 c36 emz
ugh. can't wait for it.
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