Just In
for Crimson Light

10/2/2007 c1 1Midnight Rocker
Hey leninor what you wrote that was so good. Oh leninor this is your friend sara at school remerber. yeah but that poem was really good leninor please keep on writing poems like that i would love to read lots more of your poems.

lenior the best poem i have ever read
7/5/2006 c1 Hinokeii Rose
Alright your story wasn't all that bad, in fact I liked it...As a little critique though, you should switch it from italik to reg. since it looks like a prolouge...Some of it didn't make sense like it didn't seem to fit. So before you post the other chapters make sure it flows well into each sentence to paragraph, but other than that it was pretty good and I'm looking forward to the other chapters...

*~~*Hinokeii Rose*~~*

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