Just In
for Walking on Cobwebs

7/10/2006 c1 5anamika
she writes! hallejiuah update american duchess will ya it was entertaining till you gave up on it. this was how to say...interesting kinda miami werebat-ish...uh if that makes sense just ur style of writing um i think, sorry highly confused child reviewing here anyways update something soon!
7/10/2006 c1 5the littlest sakura
Well this story is different than your other one-shots. A lot more evasive, still i am intrigued.

'“Do you ever feel like what you're looking at isn't real, and that if you keep trying, you'll be able to see right through it?”' this line seemed kinda sudden... u did build up to it a bit with Rianne's previous line, but this seems to pretty much dump us in the middle of the intrigue..which is one way to get into something i suppose =P

'While she might enjoy nature as much as the next person, she did not reveal in it.' should have been revel, not reveal. heh.

And if you're stuck in boredom land, you could always read/critique one of my stories. *hopeful* I've only posted two one-shots,and they're quite short so it wouldn't take you too long. And I would love to get the opinion/critique of an author like you, whom I've read(and reread) and respected for so long. please?
7/10/2006 c1 swimchickslam
hey what happened to rianne?

but i like it.. mystical!
7/10/2006 c1 2Arialla
I love it, as usual =). Yay for (good) new stories!

~ Aria


7/9/2006 c1 5square root
Oh, wow. I like this, a lot. Is it just a one-shot, or (hopefully) there'll be more?
7/9/2006 c1 9Aviendha
Great job! I love it! I want to know what happens next!
7/9/2006 c1 4Stylo
Um, well...

All round, its a pretty good story, it just needs a revision. The build-up and ending are good, but it would help if you fleshed out the beginning a bit. go through it again, and see where you can cut down the unnecessary and add where words are needed. Spell-check - in one paragraph about how Clara isn't into nature, you type "reveal" instead of "revel."

But other than that, its quite good. Give it a bit of work, and it will be great. Amazing, even. Good job.

And, as always, I love the concept. Quite beautiful.

There. I hope you're happy with the review, o Tessandra. It's about TIME you wrote something. Pah.

Tch tch. Writers these days. UPDATE, bloody hell, UPDATE more often. Tch.

7/9/2006 c1 20OutcastedAngel
I really like it so far. It sounds a little like a twist off of The Matrix, which is OK really since I absolutly love the movies. I can't wait until you put up another chapter.
7/9/2006 c1 1NeverEndingQuest
It's always enjoyable to read something new of yours and this one seems quite promising.
7/9/2006 c1 books4me
Nice. That was special (in the good sense).

I think I am the first reviewer!

Sorry I haven't got much of interest to say...

Take care, and keep up the good work,

* Books4mE *
7/9/2006 c1 11Sphynx
Wow. Interesting start. I assume you are going to continue? I hope so anyway.

And you live! I was starting to wonder if we would ever hear anything from you again ^_^
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