Just In
for Brown Eyes

5/13/2013 c30 1MileyRowling
Only one more chapter...Great job, but the way!
5/13/2013 c30 Be-U-tiful
OH MY GOSH! Finally! Ugh I'm so happy right now! And I'm also glad Cassidy and Kari are sort of friends now too (:
5/13/2013 c30 BlueKnicksnKnacks
Just beautiful. PLEASE UPDATE SOON
5/13/2013 c30 mammu92
I love your stories, I really do..
And I hope that Cassidy and Dante will have their happy ending (together, of course)
What I don't understand is why Claire was horrified :/ I hope it wasn't anything bad..
Looking forward to the next one though, hopefully you'll post it soon :)
5/13/2013 c30 Flynn
Gogogogogo! :D I love this
5/13/2013 c30 Julia
Ahh finally! It's been so long but oh so worth it ;) it was definitely a shocker but I can't wait till the next chapter! Keep it up and update soon!
5/13/2013 c30 PC

I could go on forever about that confession scene and describe to you how tears sprang into my eyes as my heart seemed to leap up my throat and the clouds cleared away to let the sun shine through my windows while a choir of cherubs sang joyously in soprano tones, but I'm reeaaally just curious about how Dante's mom is feeling right now. I mean, it was the second best thing about this chapter. HAHAHAHAHA.

Okay, sorry, that was all too random. Thank you for the chapter! I squealed when I saw the update. It's good to see that our main couple is finally resolving things. :)
5/12/2013 c30 2loveofallthatisawesome
Yay! You've given me what I wanted! I've waited what feels like years for this! Thank you!

First off, I want to tell you that I get kind of confused with your writing. Like, in this chapter, when Dante says it's hard if he's not changing with Cassidy, then Cassidy says that she knows what he means, well, I don't know what he means. I'm not sure if this is due to how long it's been since I've read the first like 25 chapters of this, or if it's because I genuinely cannot process your thought process, but I find it difficult to follow what's going on at times. Or maybe you're doing it all deliberately so that when it comes to light later on, it'll all make sense and it'll be awesome, like solving a puzzle.

Now, that love confession. Finally! Dante loves Cassidy more! I have a feeling Dante doesn't even love Laurita like how Laurita thinks he loves her. I think it's that kind of companionship and caring type of love. But I'm glad! I want Dante to explain what means by the if there was no competition then there was never a choice, because I honestly don't understand that and I need him to explain his relationship to Laurita and how he feels about her now. I also want to know why he looked sick, why he had the deer caught in headlights look, why he was stunned, and finally, why his smile dropped when his mom saw them.

And that! What is up with Aunt Claire looking horrified? Or maybe she heard Cassidy asking Dante if he had just proposed and she freaked out because they're young.

I just want to know everything! Ugh, I just want them to get together and be happy, and I hate Laurita so I want her gone.

Okay, but overall this was a fantastic chapter! I enjoyed Cassidy's conversation with Kari and how she prompted her to realize that she really needed to talk to Dante. I also LOVED Cassidy finally telling Dante that she still loves him, and don't even get started on how ecstatic I got when Dante basically said he wants Cassidy with him for the rest of his life.

You honestly have no idea how much I love this story. When I get an email from fictionpress I always hope to god that it's this story that was updated, so I'm glad you finally did. I understand having no motivation so I'm not going to harass you into updating more often - I'm just grateful that you're still continuing it, so thank you!

I also wish you did have the time and motivation to write Dante's pov every now and then. Oh God, how I would love to see into his mind for a while.

I just read the last sentence of your AN. One chapter? ! Only one chapter left? ! One more for them to finally be together and happy? Oh god, I'm dying. I hope you write an epilogue afterward. Something that just shows them past their problems and without Laurita and without misunderstandings and that will explain how Dante never stopped loving Cassidy and he always loved her more than he could ever even fathom loving Laurita (this is me and my wishful thinking).

I'm getting nervous now. I eagerly anticipate the next chapter and I hope, really hope, that you will give us a really awesome, happy ending :)
5/12/2013 c30 Cecily Mitchell
Yay hurray, I love love confessions :) good ones y'know? Not that Harlequin bs...anywho...Can't wait for the rest:)
5/12/2013 c30 Guest
You seriously made my morning. Please update soon
5/12/2013 c30 Guest
Phew. Finally.
5/12/2013 c30 Guest
Oh god! You have no idea how relieving it is to know they finally confessed! I hate beating around the bush!
I can't wait till your next chapter!
5/12/2013 c30 RHEA
5/12/2013 c30 Pseudonym59

I'm a bit surprised Claire is horrified. I'd thought that she'd have been happy, considering she wants them together.
5/12/2013 c30 je ne veux pas travailler
I love your work! I die for your one-shots.
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