Just In
for Brown Eyes

3/26/2013 c2 75AlysonSerenaStone
Great story! I really want to know what happened between Dante and Cassidy. I have a feeling that there is more to the story.
3/26/2013 c29 Hop3lesS-Romantic-GirL
I can seriously not wait for the next chapter :))) please update soon! Such a gr8 story!
3/25/2013 c29 1KoriLee123
More? Please? Pretty please with cherries on top?
3/25/2013 c29 tippinay
Amazing story, it was very touching. I will be waiting for the next chapter. Thanks so much!
3/18/2013 c29 1MileyRowling
I've been reading this story before I got my account. One of the reasons why I got an account was to favorite this story.
3/15/2013 c1 Guest
ahhh! love this! when are they going to be together!?
when are you updating next?!
love this!
3/4/2013 c29 Choukou
Holy cow balls. I am so mad at Laurita. This whole story makes my heart ache, and I nearly had a heart attack thinking you were going to end the story with them NOT getting together when you were getting philosophical and shit.
3/2/2013 c29 supersopa
I love this story. Although at the beginning it was a little messy and confusing. But this is a new plot, how they broke up because they love each other too much. In the middle was a little messy in the sense that it was jumped around abit too much. But generally I get the flow and gist of it. It's a beautiful story and I won't want you to rush through it as well. It is important for them to learn how to love each other w/o hurting the other party. Initially I thought you'd pair rick and summer together and laurita and dante. I guess it would work too, they loved each so much, yet their coexistence is deadly, but perhaps if they move on, they are understand how to love others better. Besides you said dante love laurita. Sometimes dante is abit selfish, rightfully so, but still, because he fell in love with another girl, yet didn't want summer to move on, and hates rick due to his involvement with summer. I do feel that rick would be a good partner for summer though. He can help her heal. The issue with summer and dante is so intertwined that they moved on, yet are unable to truly move on from each other. I'm interested to read what you have in store from them 4 next. Also, the deal with kari and nicolette.
3/2/2013 c29 round and round we go
I just- this is so wonderful, you know? You must know, you wrote it. Anyway, this story is so amazing and beautiful that I honestly don't know what else I should say. And the interaction with the two main characters; I'll admit, they got me confused a fair share of times, but the whole fragility of them is fascinating to read about. This is a great story and I am so happy to have found it. Please update soon!
3/1/2013 c29 S
I just love your story :)
and I know Cassidy and Dante are meant and all that but I'd still like to see her with Rick-at least for a little while. Just a suggestion, since Rick is such a cool guy!
and I'm, at least, liking all this drama. hope there's more to come! Funny how Cassidy thought she wasn't the protagonist in this story :P
2/28/2013 c20 S
This is going to sound a bit random but I feel like there should be a diffference in how much they've gotten over each other. Cassidy used her strength, which she'll always have but Dante had Laurita's help. He's holding onto her even when she isn't there.
Anyway, greaaat story!
2/27/2013 c29 2loveofallthatisawesome
This was amazing! Oh my gosh, my heart is breaking. I know there is a lot of time between updates, but as soon as I started reading this, it was as if I had never stopped reading to begin with.

I thought this chapter had the perfect amount of drama. It was very playful at the beginning with Rick and Cassidy and I loved that. They were cute. But the scene with Laurita was perfect. It was absolutely perfect.

Wow. I hate Laurita. Oh God, I hate her now, so much. Dante should not love her! She's a manipulative liar. Ahhh, I really want you to update now. Like, even if it's just the next chapter. I want to know what Dante wanted to talk to her about. I want to know everything!

Anyway, I think Dante doesn't love Laurita as much as he does Cassidy. Cassidy's it for him.
2/27/2013 c1 Hop3lesS-Romantic-GirL
OMG! I am absolutely IN LOVE with this story. I spent my whole day reading it and literally can't wait for the next chapter! I don't really wish for your story to end. The characters seem so real and I as reader went could feel all their emotions while reading as well! Good work! Please PM as to when the next chapter will be out hun..

2/26/2013 c29 Wolflover08
Laurita is an idiot. I strongly dislike her, you just don't DO that to someone, especially Dante. That's terrible. I don't care if he was broken or whatever, you just DO NOT FREAKING DO THAT. I hope Cassidy tells him what happened because that is messed up. Love your story!
2/21/2013 c29 FeatherfooD
...I just want to strangle them both. And that pretty much sums up my feelings about this chapter. Just...UGH! lol
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