Just In
for Terrible

4/4/2007 c1 14angel-Janna
Wow, very nice. love and hate and frustration all in one neat little piece of writing!

Keep it up, admirable stuff!


2/16/2007 c1 78Ironic Presence
I feel similarly, but not quite.

I liked your choice of words. 'delicious and terrible'... 'poison'... it just made it become more alive. I don't think it's perfectly real, though... it sort of seems a little imagined. But, good. keep writing.
2/2/2007 c1 SnackySnackSnackSnackSnack
Ahh, why can't I have your writing style.
7/27/2006 c1 4Imalefty
wow, love it! it's really powerful.

i really love the italics; i think they add so much to the piece.

it's short, but it gets the mood across perfectly. good job!

7/26/2006 c1 30Puella Caeli
wow, this is so, so poignant and beautiful. i think i know this feeling, to need him but also hate that you need him because you don't have him, and... just, wow. lovely work here.

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