3/23/2010 c12
Whoa! @_@ What a cliff-hanger!
It seems I have reached the end of the available chapters... :( But I honestly enjoyed every minute of it! :D The characters are interesting, the plot is wonderful, and the execution is a delight to read! I really hope you update soon! :) Until then, you can count on me reading the other Timepiece stories. ;)
~ MidniteLayce19

Whoa! @_@ What a cliff-hanger!
It seems I have reached the end of the available chapters... :( But I honestly enjoyed every minute of it! :D The characters are interesting, the plot is wonderful, and the execution is a delight to read! I really hope you update soon! :) Until then, you can count on me reading the other Timepiece stories. ;)
~ MidniteLayce19
3/23/2010 c11 MidniteLayce
What a tense chapter!
I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. Imari's fear was practicaly tangible. I felt my own heart leap and lurch with hers. Bryant is horrible! Good riddance! And jim swept in to save her just in time. :) His heroic actions were just what was needed...
~ MidniteLayce19
What a tense chapter!
I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. Imari's fear was practicaly tangible. I felt my own heart leap and lurch with hers. Bryant is horrible! Good riddance! And jim swept in to save her just in time. :) His heroic actions were just what was needed...
~ MidniteLayce19
3/22/2010 c9 MidniteLayce
I thought they were twins! But I'm usually wrong with these sorts of things, so I didn't want to say anything in my reviews...
Anywho, what an informative chapter! And what an intense one before! Manheim can be cruel (the poor bird!), but he intrigues me nevertheless. I can't wait to read more scenes between him and Imari. Poor Jim, though... :( His story made me sigh sadly. But thanks to this chapter, now we get to see some of the reasonings behind Manheim and Nicholas' interests in Imari. This is getting good! XD
~ MidniteLayce19
I thought they were twins! But I'm usually wrong with these sorts of things, so I didn't want to say anything in my reviews...
Anywho, what an informative chapter! And what an intense one before! Manheim can be cruel (the poor bird!), but he intrigues me nevertheless. I can't wait to read more scenes between him and Imari. Poor Jim, though... :( His story made me sigh sadly. But thanks to this chapter, now we get to see some of the reasonings behind Manheim and Nicholas' interests in Imari. This is getting good! XD
~ MidniteLayce19
3/22/2010 c6 MidniteLayce
Lol What a fun chapter! :)
Very entertaining, and I really liked the introduction of new characters. Nicholas was nice but creepy sometimes, Anthony made me smile, Sandra made me frown, and Imari was simply amazing. It was so great to be inside her head- as usual. :)
The plot is thickening nicely! I'm excited to read on! :D
~ MidniteLayce19
Lol What a fun chapter! :)
Very entertaining, and I really liked the introduction of new characters. Nicholas was nice but creepy sometimes, Anthony made me smile, Sandra made me frown, and Imari was simply amazing. It was so great to be inside her head- as usual. :)
The plot is thickening nicely! I'm excited to read on! :D
~ MidniteLayce19
3/20/2010 c3 MidniteLayce
There were so many lines that I really liked in this chapter. From Barbosa (loved that scene where we find out he's a cook after Imari bursts out a reference to the Captain Barbosa we all know and love) stating, ["Well, wit' the way you challenged the cap'in's order like that, the way I figure you're either brave or stupid."] to Imari's ramblings about her broken nose, ["No, the cartilage is just shattered into thousands of pieces causing your nose to bleed like a broken dam after the first run off in spring and making your entire face feel like a raw stake."]. lol And Captain Manheim makes me smile. He's so proper and mysterious and stoic.
I'm really liking this story, yet again. Off to the next chapter! :D
~ MidniteLayce19
There were so many lines that I really liked in this chapter. From Barbosa (loved that scene where we find out he's a cook after Imari bursts out a reference to the Captain Barbosa we all know and love) stating, ["Well, wit' the way you challenged the cap'in's order like that, the way I figure you're either brave or stupid."] to Imari's ramblings about her broken nose, ["No, the cartilage is just shattered into thousands of pieces causing your nose to bleed like a broken dam after the first run off in spring and making your entire face feel like a raw stake."]. lol And Captain Manheim makes me smile. He's so proper and mysterious and stoic.
I'm really liking this story, yet again. Off to the next chapter! :D
~ MidniteLayce19
3/20/2010 c2 MidniteLayce
Oh my gosh! I remember this story! :O I reviewed it two years ago, and I am so glad that I found t again! *grins happily*
The first two chapters are so entertaining and descriptive (I'm reading them over again to refresh my memory...). I feel so sympathetic towards Imari, and I found myself frowning or giving the computer screen a sad face as I read Chapter 2. I'm really excited to read more and catch up! ^_^ I'm also really excited to see that the other girls' stories are up here too. So cool! :D
~ MidniteLacye19
Oh my gosh! I remember this story! :O I reviewed it two years ago, and I am so glad that I found t again! *grins happily*
The first two chapters are so entertaining and descriptive (I'm reading them over again to refresh my memory...). I feel so sympathetic towards Imari, and I found myself frowning or giving the computer screen a sad face as I read Chapter 2. I'm really excited to read more and catch up! ^_^ I'm also really excited to see that the other girls' stories are up here too. So cool! :D
~ MidniteLacye19
3/18/2010 c1 Ipaintwithwords
I just found this story and what a gem! This first chapter is very well written, the words flow nicely and the dialogue is quite good. I like the detail you have blended in the story as well.
You should really have way more than 12 reviews for this one. But it is hard to find good stories in all the stuff floating around.
I just found this story and what a gem! This first chapter is very well written, the words flow nicely and the dialogue is quite good. I like the detail you have blended in the story as well.
You should really have way more than 12 reviews for this one. But it is hard to find good stories in all the stuff floating around.
3/6/2010 c11 sarcasm is my middle name
Quite interesting... slightly confusing, but very very well written! Thanks heaps, update soon!
Quite interesting... slightly confusing, but very very well written! Thanks heaps, update soon!
6/3/2009 c11
2Deleted Nothing Here
I'd say this is the very best story I've read on this site. It's almost 2 in the morning, and I haven't been able to get myself to go to bed because there's never a dull moment in your story! I love how you balance a wonderful plot with great characters, excellent description, and just the right amount of dialouge. I can't wait to read more!

I'd say this is the very best story I've read on this site. It's almost 2 in the morning, and I haven't been able to get myself to go to bed because there's never a dull moment in your story! I love how you balance a wonderful plot with great characters, excellent description, and just the right amount of dialouge. I can't wait to read more!
11/12/2008 c10 malvoliosStockings
i love this story. I can't blame Imari for wanting to leave. Talk about stressfull situations. I want to kick jim for overreacting about anthony, except in this time frame he really isn't overreacting at all. Anyways keep up the good work. Have a lovely winter.
i love this story. I can't blame Imari for wanting to leave. Talk about stressfull situations. I want to kick jim for overreacting about anthony, except in this time frame he really isn't overreacting at all. Anyways keep up the good work. Have a lovely winter.
3/19/2008 c6
Sweet! I'm glad I finally got to read this chapter - I can't wait to read whatever else you come out with. Will you eventually do a story on each of the other girls?

Sweet! I'm glad I finally got to read this chapter - I can't wait to read whatever else you come out with. Will you eventually do a story on each of the other girls?
2/8/2008 c5 Inscribson
Good God that was awesome! I simply CANNOT wait for more - I've always been fond of time-travel, as well as gender-switching, and this is the best of both!
Good God that was awesome! I simply CANNOT wait for more - I've always been fond of time-travel, as well as gender-switching, and this is the best of both!