2/6/2007 c1
174a silenced revolution
Well-done. I live in an area frequently afflicted by drought, so I can relate. Keep writing!

Well-done. I live in an area frequently afflicted by drought, so I can relate. Keep writing!
9/8/2006 c1
I LOVE haikus! And yours are awesome. Very descriptive for their length. =]
"BTW a couple of years ago I solved the chicken or the egg thing. Evolution. Meaning at some point a creature that was almost a chicken laid a mutated egg that was a chicken. The egg came first! ^_^"
Interesting theory! Thanks for the review. =]

I LOVE haikus! And yours are awesome. Very descriptive for their length. =]
"BTW a couple of years ago I solved the chicken or the egg thing. Evolution. Meaning at some point a creature that was almost a chicken laid a mutated egg that was a chicken. The egg came first! ^_^"
Interesting theory! Thanks for the review. =]
8/31/2006 c1
1Mosaic Stains
You descriptions were very nice. And they definitely painted the picture of a drought thoroughly.

You descriptions were very nice. And they definitely painted the picture of a drought thoroughly.
8/8/2006 c1
i got what it was about! well i was thinking the need for rain but that's exactly what a drought is so i was right just not using the same word
i'm not a huge hiaku kind of person, but this works really well, i am starting to realise that hiaku is not just something enlgish teachers force you to do in school but can actually paint a beautiful poetic picture (espcially in a series!) great work keep it up, thank you for sharing

i got what it was about! well i was thinking the need for rain but that's exactly what a drought is so i was right just not using the same word
i'm not a huge hiaku kind of person, but this works really well, i am starting to realise that hiaku is not just something enlgish teachers force you to do in school but can actually paint a beautiful poetic picture (espcially in a series!) great work keep it up, thank you for sharing