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for Confessions of a 'That Girl'

7/8/2020 c1 Otakuami
This is so goddamn hilarious lol. Her moment of said fantasy with a hot guy in the cafetería who she says looks like James Franco to entertain her life from boredom to the epic fall revealing her Beauty and the Beast underwear, when she was eavesdropping on guys rating them. I wish this can continue. I am hooked to her thoughts and the unexpected plot that follows
1/29/2015 c1 alelconin
Helllllooooo! Don't know the last time you came on here, but I'm sure it's been forever. I just found a link to this from a facebook group where I recommended Your Daily Catastrophes back in 2006. 2006! In 2009 or something I tried searching for it using "hockey" and "Cinna" since I couldn't for the life of me remember the actual name. Alas, nothing. Then, today, I was back-stalking my old fb group and found the link to this! I was so happy to have found it, BUT I'm so sad that 1. This story was abandoned online and 2. That you changed it so much! I *completely* understand looking at old work and just going "Ah hell no, I was terrible!" and just wanting to scratch everything, but being the selfish person I am (:P), I wish you'd made a separate upload of this *new* story and left the old one too, even if you never finish it. I just miss galavanting through freshman year of college with the vacuum kiss and shenanigans similar to my experiences. And the name Cinna was a revelation to me. Seriously. From the time I read it I was obsessed with cinnamon as a name.

In conclusion, I applaud you on your growth and journey in the art of writing and I hope that you graduated successfully! If you still have the "Your Daily Catastrophe" chapters somewhere in your compy or archives, I'd love to read them again. If you don't want to post them, but don't mind me reading them, maybe you can send me the PDFs! Just msg me on FB. Ok this is starting to sound uber weird. Anyway, I just miss Cinna and River et al so much, I'm reverting to 19 year-old me. ha. Carry on and have a great day, year, life! And I hope to one day read this full story again. Your story has apparently made quite the impression. Ta!

3/21/2013 c1 PLEASE
11/17/2012 c1 heal me forever
when she shouted nd fell oh my god i CRACKED UP dude i am on floor laughing hahhahahahha
9/8/2012 c1 Guest
gosh that's totally embarrassing!
3/20/2012 c1 3Chocolate is Yummy
Hehe. The ending was amusing.
5/19/2011 c1 Sad in Sadville
The whole story is gone! And after I've been searching for YEARS (literally off and on) for this thing. I miss the vacuum and the delirium and the hilarity. I'm disappointed young lady. Very disappointed. :(
11/12/2010 c1 4subtly.obvious
HAHAHAA! i laughed out so loud im glad there was no one around me! did that really happen to you? DUDE, wow. i thought the comeback was rathergood, if she hadn't tripped and fallen on her face, it would have been a great exit. :p

its why i think skirts are evil.
9/8/2010 c1 1matchutea

Nice. (:

Amazing start!

Please update and continue! (:
12/30/2009 c1 24fairies and snapple
I can see that this is old and you probably don't even get these anymore... but I really like this character. And I hope you (PLEASE!) update this story.
6/17/2009 c1 CaptainK00l

so I know this is like

a year later after you posted this.

I honestly did love this,

it's just a shame that I didn't know about this sooner!

how disappointing


I just wanted to say that I honestly love this story/chapter.
10/14/2008 c1 the wicked monkey


you took down like, the entire story.


9/28/2008 c1 3Duuude

Now that's hilarious. You should definitely continue. I mean, I haven't read the other one. But I'm sure this one's MUCH better. Oh, I love these type of characters. They're just non-stop entertainment! Not that I'm using your character's misery as something to laugh at... Hahahahaha! I lied, I am.

Anyway, I hope you update this soon. It's great so far.

Oh and the rating... I hate it when guys do that. T_T

I'm pretty observant too, I would know and understand AND hear them cause I have like super-hearing ( I got it from my momma! XD ). Sometimes being observant is good and sometimes it's really not. Especially when you hear something you should NOT have heard. _

Please continue! I'll be waiting. =)
9/25/2008 c1 Interstellar
8/18/2008 c1 1Felicia Harte
To be totally honest, I really liked the original better. This rewrite has taken away all the personality - stripped away EVERY character's personality. What happened to Cinnamon and Jude?

This saddens me...
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