Just In
for Désenchantée

12/4/2013 c3 crazydaisyyy
Loving this story! Why is it discontinued :(
5/16/2010 c6 1JustWords
Well! what a cliffhanger! leads the mind to all sorts of things... none of them 'clean' ROFL... ok, so... awesome story, i'm sorta getting though, that you haven't updated in a while ;P oh well.. excellent storyline! can't help wondering what happens in the end though.. are you going to update this one? guess i'll have to wait and see! :D

5/3/2010 c1 luke33
HAHA! I love Quinn.

I really wish people understood the definition of artistic integrity. I mean...you put effort into creating an individual and unique story that doesn't have an overused, and cliche plot line...and it gets ripped off.

I found a link that brought me to your page. I understand why you had to go private...but I hope you go public again one day to share your work (and I don't mean FP, I mean published lol)
12/5/2009 c6 Ebony3ssence
This story is amazing. Quinn seems so hot and he seems to have great chemistry with mo.i lov mo 2 but quinn i like betta. i wish i could read more.

11/5/2009 c6 6Lilang
I've gotten to this story after you mentionned on PH that the first chapters were still on FP.

I hate this plagiarism disaster, this story sounds so good, and Quinn is so hot... I'm really sad that you're not planning on writing for it anymore :(

Anyway, good luck on Nanowrimo, which must be what you're doing at the moment !

-Helene (little_Ln on plagiarismhaven ;) )
9/26/2009 c6 2hopefaithgrace
This story had me hooked from the very start! I was so upset when I realized there wasn't another chapter! Great story : )
7/24/2009 c6 esssjay
aw i'm really disappointed that you decided to discontinue this story here. i think it would've turned out to be quite interesting. i was just beginning to really like morgan :) n quinn too.

i noticed on your profile that you may be posting future stories on plagiarismhaven at LJ. if/when you do, hope you'll consider restarting up this story. i'm sure you'd have plenty of followers.

thanks for the great read though ! :)

7/24/2009 c1 esssjay
hey. i know this story's been discontinued but it sounded interesting so i thought i'd start it. hope you don't mind :) i thought you probably wouldn't care for reviews but i felt like i had to leave a comment.

'iago' and 'lascivious' ? someone liked 'othello', haha. it's good to see a writer who's actually well educated. sometimes it's hard reading stories that have been written by people who're still playing around with their grammar, etc.

i think having the translations at the end in your author's note was a tad pointless, coz i didn't even realise until i'd completely passed that scene in the chapter. i think not having it up wouldn't pose too big of a problem for readers - you can get the general idea of what's going on without it. although i'm sure some people would appreciate it.

as for the story's plot and characters, so far i think they're okay. the only thing i'm not too thrilled about is that in the club scene, there were moments when it got very confusing as to who was talking and to who, etc.

but either way i suppose it doesn't really matter since this story seems as though it won't be touched again in the near future.

4/2/2009 c1 3BalletManiac
This story is AMAZING! The last time u updated was ages ago! WHY? Please update super soon, this story is too good to abandon!
3/13/2009 c6 2hellokiara
what a way to end the chapter, HOT!

but why are you torturing us! =(

update please, possibly tomorrow lol?
2/13/2009 c6 UnKnwnDrkniss
I found this story via SKoW. I like it. I really hope you update it.

1/3/2009 c6 adnama3121
Okay, so, I started reading this story when you won some award or something. Was it best kiss? Or something like that? Anyways, so you last updated, like, 1 and a 1/2 years ago, right? So, I figured I'd wait until you put up the next chapter to review, but you never put up another chapter, so I figured I'd review today, instead. So, are you ever going to finish it? I know you said Hiatus, but still. 'Cause if not, I want to know, I'm clearing my "stories on alert" list.

12/26/2008 c6 Joshikousei
oh my lord.

this is ridiculously good. please don't sit too long on it - the chemistry!
12/13/2008 c6 3Kcqueen13
I'm so sad you've abandoned this story! It seems really good so far. I absolutely adore Morgan and Quinn.
9/8/2008 c6 5Camelia Sinensis
What wouldn't i do for a new chapter? Now seriusly this is too good to be just left aside. I'm loving everything (every damn thing, and i'm a picky girl!) from the characters down to the coffees.

For pete's sake post soon. I'm willing to bribe you. Seriusly: how does a trip to brazil sound? i can arrange for that, just post soon! Yes, i'm that needy.

Congrats for the brilliant work! Cheers
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