Just In
for Image One Hundred And One

8/29/2006 c1 53AchtungBabyAchtung
beautiful. i LIKE. iz x
8/29/2006 c1 Christybell
"The light of a star,

Shafting on brick,

Cuts through the cheek

And carves spider web slits. "

See, this is MUCH better than "My Angel."Lovely, lovely poem.
8/29/2006 c1 Meeeee
oh i love that. it's very pretty in a slightly morbid way. i love the middle bit. x
8/28/2006 c1 22This Modern Love
i loved the description. although somewhat difficult, it offers a variety of different interpretations. "spider web slits..." i never thought of webs being slices before...cut by a knife, vengance, or one's own soul?
8/28/2006 c1 29Scrunchy
It's a nice poem, this. No discernable meaning to it, but that doesn't detract from how good it is. It's full of pretty imagery! T'was nice to read. Good writing, do continue!


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