Just In
for Disheartened

6/30/2009 c15 bbyxhann
hahahah , the endings super funny with landon .

well great job .

& keep it up !


oh & update son .

6/29/2009 c14 Jarah Kollar
(groan) You'd better post the next one, ASAP! Going through withdrawal...

(posts the next two chapters- now the ball is on you)
6/27/2009 c13 bbyxhann
aw , that's sad .

only if she didn't use all of her energy .

she couldve even stayed over !

ughh .

but still ,

that was really good .

keep it up & update soon !

6/27/2009 c13 Jarah Kollar
I sure hope you are working on the 14th chapter... very good reading... want to know more!

6/26/2009 c12 bbyxhann
omg , whoa .

idk what to say .

i'm speechless .

but that was super good .

but still , whoa ..

they cant kill the baby ?

btw , thats one scary dream .

well hurry & update !

i gotta know what happens next !

6/26/2009 c11 bbyxhann
aww , he loves he bunches .

6/26/2009 c9 bbyxhann
ew , in the hair .

baha .
6/26/2009 c7 bbyxhann

i love the last sentence .


well great job ,

sorry i didn't review the other ones .

but yeah ,

keep it up !

6/22/2009 c12 Jarah Kollar
Better be workin' on the thirteenth chapter, I want to know more! :)
6/14/2009 c1 Jarah Kollar
Hi Becky,

I loved this chapter, I sure hope it's not the only one! I am very intrigued...

Great beginning, great story.

11/30/2006 c7 1blondiexoxo
Hey I really do like the story..excepttake alex out lol have victoria and landon on their own hehe well tyl hope u update soon.
11/29/2006 c7 2Marylyn-Mercy
Oh wow! I love this!

Great writing, great story, great characters!


- MM
11/22/2006 c6 1nashers
i love it! when are you gunna update?
9/2/2006 c1 1Dire Calamity
It very much so reminded me of an RP. The style, I mean. Try to make it more of your own style.

I like the story so far, and I'm seriously trying not to sound flame-happy here, but your characters are a tad over-developed (like emotions are all steaming from them) unless that's what you were going for.

I'll be looking for the next installment.
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