Just In
for Nobody Said It Was Easy

7/19/2011 c12 SmokingEngraved
*inhale* Okay. After staying up all night (and morning, but that doesn't count) I decided that I needed to say SOMETHING about this marvelous, wonderful piece of writing.

First of all, this story NEEDS to have a happy ending. Cause if it doesn't, I will be curling up with my favorite stuffed animal and sobbing all over again. (As I did when I read the ending of QoaQR.)

Also, I love, love, LOVE your writing style; with the alternates b/w Nadine and Thatcher. 3 3

I do believe that that's all I can think of right now but you WILL hear from me again :3

As usual, the normal "Please update soon!" line still holds and I'm off to read your other stories ^^
7/19/2011 c12 Dead KilleR
I love this story & the prequel! :D

Can't wait for the next chap!
7/15/2011 c12 1readaholicxxx
I know you've probably got this a lot but please, please, please update! Pretty please?
7/9/2011 c12 9Spontaneous Juju
OH. MY. GOD. So much DRAMA! I was really pissed at the ending of the first half of this until I read your A/N, and let me just say this: there had BETTER be a happy ending! I mean, it's driving me NUTS that they're both in love with each other but so screwed up about it and neither of them knows what to do... AGH!

Well, I guess congratulations are in order: you've just gotten me ranting about the love lives of fictional characters in whom I am totally invested. *Sigh* Brilliant work on your part, pretty much abject misery (as long as this whole awkward trying-not-to-love-each-other-anymore (which is pissing me off; sorry, had to say it) thing goes on) on my part.

That was a lot of parentheses.

Update soon!

-Spontaneous Juju
7/2/2011 c12 kell369
I loved this story and the previous story i cannot wait til you update. i know nadine is gonna give nicola a piece of her mind and it is so interesting to see how thatcher and nadine interact.
6/28/2011 c12 Rose
I do love this story with a passion. A great deal of passion. A pity you haven't updated in a while, the story was starting to become intriguing. I love the interactions between both characters, the SpongeBob insertion was totally cute.

Hope to see an update soon and if not, good luck with the other stories you have under your belt.


6/19/2011 c12 HappyGoLucky93
6/13/2011 c12 6mylifeismine
omg its been more than half a year! Updateeeee, i wanna know how it goes between nadine and Nicola!
6/13/2011 c12 CheyRain
Lol nice. I hope you update soon!


5/31/2011 c12 2LDS Dreamer
You know, your killing me. First you nearly had me thinking that the first story was done and they were finished then I find you don't update for a while. :P Oh well. UPDATE! I need to know what happens! Please! This is like my all time favorite story!
5/31/2011 c12 5Disney Is Hardcore
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Thatcher is a WONDERFUL father. It's so sweet how amazing he is at looking after his little boy 3

I'm glad skyler's out of the picture, to be honest I didn't really get why he was in it for so long.

Also, if she loves him and he loves her, I don't understand why she doesn't just ask him out instead of going through this elaborate plan; it's not like he'd say no, when he's so obviously hung up on her, and she KNOWS! wtf?

Nonna and nonno are awesome though. I want to see them again. I also like nadine's little brother.

Nicola...I have no idea. _
5/30/2011 c2 Disney Is Hardcore
Omg~ matty is so cuuuuuute~ 3

and I LOVE thatcher as a dad. His personality is just so cut out as a homemaker. Which makes it really sad that he's not with the girl he loves... :/
5/28/2011 c12 grumpirah
come back to this story! please, pretty, pretty please? *pouts*
5/25/2011 c11 bluz
I am happy to know that I am not the only one analyzing how sponge bob and his friends are able to live under the water, lol.
5/25/2011 c1 bluz
Oh wow, I did not realize that there was a sequel. Happy to hear that it was not the end for Nadine and Thatcher. Can't wait to read the following chapters.
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