Just In
for The Gothic Flapjack

8/27/2007 c1 3PurpleDizziness
That was hilarious. Perhaps taken to far, but nonetheless very funny. And, oddly enough, very gothic. Reminds me of a friend of mine who always talks about flapjacks in her sleep, and once refused to eat a mouldy flapjack whilst sleeping.
6/18/2007 c1 2izziexxx
Perfectly written and delightfully funny.

You know I would eat anything if you advertised it to me...probably...

I hope you got a good grade for this.
9/10/2006 c1 NatalyaI
Ha ha! I can see myself eating a flapjack with those thoughts running through my head...
9/9/2006 c1 25Bitter Irony
This was just too brilliant! I'm laughing so hard, there are tears in my eyes. I haven't read much Gothic liturature recently, but not I think I will, if only to get the magnificient over-the-top descriptions again. "Drags me to its sweet, oaty doom...the torturous ecstacy of that sweet fragrance..." Brilliant! This is going on my favorites.

~Bitter Irony
9/8/2006 c1 1CatastrophicMindPollution
I have a new perspective on the world of pancakes. LOL thanks for that!
9/8/2006 c1 59Frore

Awesome piece! Very funny. I'll slap this on my favorites list with a hearty "Well done!"
9/8/2006 c1 24Limited Edition
Yummiliscious! Excellent work XD
9/8/2006 c1 4Sakka-Fenikkusu
That's hilarious.
9/8/2006 c1 25The Mumbling Sage
Oh...I can feel your pain. It shines through the page- er, screen- like a cry of pain in the barren wilderness that is this world.

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