Just In
for Let it go now

7/13/2011 c1 lymli
if he found someone new, she should be able to find someone new too :)
6/18/2011 c1 2laurenexplorin
This poem is truly amazing and very true. But I'm glad that she had the strength to move forward and forget about the guy.

There was one sentence that confused me though. You wrote,"She thinks he's the one for him."

I think you meant to say,"she thinks he's the one for her"

It was just a lil thing I noticed but other then that this poem was amazing!
4/26/2011 c1 25Kyllex
You go, girl.

Boys are stupid. They do this all the time, leaving poor girls to cry until they can just let it go. I'm glad the girl in this story was able to accept it all and move on. (:
12/17/2010 c1 39Raaawr Ima Dinosaur
Your poems are simply amazing and this has done nothing to make me think differently. I'm almost in tears, its so sad.

great job!
9/29/2006 c1 9SavannahX
Aw. You always write poems about love and how sad things are. Excellent job!

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