Just In
for Being Racial is Wrong?

11/1/2006 c1 Donny304
That was really good. Please update.
10/3/2006 c1 Slythersnak1001
That was so hilarious! My gosh, I'm glad I'm not Rachel. Hahaha.
10/1/2006 c1 1Elianah
Oh god, that's funny. Poor Rachel.
9/30/2006 c1 12OnceADreamer
hmm...interesting rachel and racial thing. But with the line "like a dog the asian bared her teeth in malice", that's pretty racial comparing an asian to a dog. Just my opinion though.
9/29/2006 c1 3Perverse
Oh my god, i loved this so much!
9/29/2006 c1 52Samana
i love this, nice little story, the righting style is very descriptive yet simplistic, i like it

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