Just In
for Changing his Status Quo

7/9/2015 c15 2Fobbster
D: i just what why why just ugh do you ugh.
7/9/2015 c13 Fobbster
8/18/2013 c15 Hero
If this is the fucking end I am going to cry. As if I'm not crying already.
8/8/2013 c8 2awaitingthedawn
Finleigh is sweet!
10/24/2011 c15 2AsianNincompoop
This is great! Are you ever gunna update this again? D;
4/28/2011 c15 you.only.live.onceX
most amazing story ever.
3/27/2011 c3 14Alysia Of The Pen
Well, I admit I'm a bit disappointed. I suppose the cheerleader will be a one-off character, as the principal may be, but to me they seemed . . . rather stereotypical. It's true that I can't reasonably expect a fully-fleshed out character every time, but I hope to avoid the obvious in my reading. On another note, I doubt that the principal would (1) simply not punish the girl or even talk with her on the physical violence and disruption she caused, (2) assign a random though well-intentioned student to peer-meditate one of the most troublesome students in his school, or (3) have the authority to do (2). It feels like a sloppy plot device meant to force interaction. I don't know much of anything about the public school system, but I don't think a principal could or would do that. Finleigh's reaction seems a bit odd in that at first he nods with indifference and seems totally calm, but then reacts violently and hatefully. Did you forget to delete one of those reactions or is he slow to react?
3/27/2011 c2 Alysia Of The Pen
Not a particularly happy person, this narrator, but that's not expected or required. A rich narrative, very modern-teenage-girl-with-precision. No giant exposition dumps or revealing all the secrets at once (which I appreciate), and lots of little details to make the visual side entertaining. She's right, first days back are pretty boring. Pers'lly, I like the rubric reading - makes me imagine a fun school year before reality hits.
3/26/2011 c1 Alysia Of The Pen
Interesting beginning. The cynicism and defensiveness is enhanced by the OCD issue, which I must admit I don't think about too often as a huge problem and was forced to reconsider while reading. You have an interesting premise, so I'm gonna keep reading.
12/26/2009 c15 Fight With Doves

It's so freakin' sad.

That pain is just all too real.

I hope somehow there's a happy ending to this story.

Update soon.
8/5/2009 c15 Ratava100d
this storys really good.

her dad should go to hell.

please update again soon ^^
6/2/2009 c15 Lethargiclove NLI
Ah, I'm so glad to see that you've updated this story because it is by far one of my personal favorites. However, I can't say that I completely understood everything that occurred in this chapter, especially in the end. I don't know it the last scene occurred much after the previous one or what. I hope that the next chapter will clear things up. Things are grim between Fin and Senya. Oh, I soo hope for their happily ever after. I'll be completely crushed when they ultimately break up. Ah, I can barely express how I'm feeling after this chapter, haha. Until next time then! We'll see if I'm more articulate then.
5/30/2009 c15 rawritsrchl
O my gosh,I'm so glad you started updating the story, I missed your writing so much! haha well, although the storyline is a bit confusing, I think I get the gist of what is happening. I hope you continue to update!
5/30/2009 c15 Dances-With-Pen
I liked that. Seriously. It's been so long that I forgot your writing style. So deep and wonderful.
5/30/2009 c15 2righthere431
...Wow, that was a really great chapter!
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