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for Just Ask

11/17/2012 c1 22AFractionOfMySoul
This reminds me of SO many conversations I've had... but of late we've let go of our inhibitions, I think. At least I have.
Very well written, and I liked the enhancements of the emotions
3/26/2011 c1 LivinLyfe2TheFullest
uhh i dont get the end ...

and uhh this is a oneshot right?

did he call to ask her to the dance?
1/1/2009 c1 9dreamforever101
aww.. i want to know more about these characters... maybe you should write a story on them..! :D (Maybe after you finish Dare to Trust and Living next door- the other two stories I'm anxiously waiting for you to update!)
4/6/2008 c1 Blue Bird Cry
Hehe. Sigh.

So cute!

I especially love the last three lines. :)
3/27/2008 c1 6LoveMySoul
I loved this. Actually it seems like something I would do. I'd have all these thoughts in my head and would be too scared to say anything out loud, especially when it comes to a guy I like.
8/30/2007 c1 1OrangeStar13
What exactly did he mean when he said he's fixed it? He got another date? NO!


The stories cute but it's really a cliffie, can you like add anohter chpater and make it a TWO-SHOT! hahaha
6/19/2007 c1 LINNY
when did you write this again? LOL... i love it, so dramatic... really shows your true feelings for a guy when you start writing stories about him? HAHAHHAH, so should i give Ben this weblink? :P:P or... was that over last year? i, recalling the formal event...


Love lin
6/17/2007 c1 3Lavi R
this is a very cute story!
5/30/2007 c1 lexicon37893q09
Very fun, cute story. I like it!
3/19/2007 c1 2LongLiveTheCarCrashHearts
1/24/2007 c1 Hyperroll
aw! if that wasn't the cutest little thing i don't know what is =D
10/30/2006 c1 9SolisLuna
Aw, cute, I can't wait for your other stories to update too!
10/28/2006 c1 angelgrl
lolz! i really liked this. u should continue it cause u left us in a cliff hanger-ish ending
10/26/2006 c1 igloothree
I was all disappointed, thinking it was going to end after he hung up, but the ending was really sweet!
10/19/2006 c1 your harbor
Aww. I absolutely love it! I'm ading it to my favorites. Definitely. *adds to favorites*
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